Program of training with dumbbells at home

Dumbbells are, perhaps, the most convenient sports equipment. They are relatively cheap, do not take up any space at all, you can start boldly with them even for those who have never done anything.

Training with dumbbells at home is an ideal way for those who do not have time to visit fitness centers, there is no home of their own fully equipped training complex, but I really want to pull up the whole body.


Women usually fear dumbbells, like devil incense. However, this "medieval" prejudice, because some 30 minutes of training three times a week will not make you Arnold Schwarzenegger. Our hormones interfere with male muscle building, and a simple home exercise program with dumbbells will only help to lose weight and yet not get flabby skin.

Selection of dumbbells

If the stage of fear is overcome, and you are mentally ready for the program of training with dumbbells at home, a few words about choosing the inventory: always choose collapsible dumbbells, because in time the body will require an increase in the load, and you can always buy disks.


Let's start our training program with dumbbells!

  1. Legs on the width of the shoulders, slightly incline the body, we take a dumbbell in the arm. We bend our arms to the shoulder, and unbend them, pulling our hands back. Repetition: 20-25 times.
  2. We sit on the floor, bend our legs and lift the body. We rest on our hands. We bend and unbend our arms, lowering and lifting the pelvis 20-25 times.
  3. We get up and take the dumbbells in our hands. Hands are bent to the side, slightly bent at the elbows. We reduce hands in front, we divorce aside. We do 2 approaches 15 times.
  4. We take in two hands one dumbbell. We lift hands above the head and together with the dumbbells we lower it behind the back of the head, while we bring the shoulder blades together. We make up and downs in two sets of 30 times.
  5. Slightly tilt the body, in each hand we take a dumbbell, straighten the arms on the sides (in the elbows a slight bend), and lower it to the level of the groin. Repetition: 15 times.
  6. We bend our arms in front of the chest, hands with dumbbells look up. We straighten our hands up and bend the FE down. Repetition: 15 times.
  7. In both hands dumbbells, hands from the hips rise to the level of the shoulders. Repetition: 20 times.
  8. We finish our complex of exercises for hands push-ups. If you do not feel enough strength in yourself, you can press on your knees bent. Repetition: 10 times.

The number of repetitions always depends on your goals. To inflate the muscle mass and enough for 10 repetitions, but for weight loss you need 25-30 repetitions. Do this complex not more than three times a week, alternating with cardio days.