Chord in the heart of a child

An additional chord in the heart is a pathology that is quite common and is not dangerous. The common chord is a muscle that connects the opposite sides of the left ventricle of the heart, and the additional chord is superfluous and has an atypical structure. Most often it is located in the left ventricle, very rarely - in the right.

Doctors for a long time studied this anomaly and eventually came to the conclusion that it does not affect the work of the heart and does not carry any danger to life.

Most often, a chord in the heart is found in the child, less often in adults. This is because in a small child's heart, its noises are easier to hear.

Symptoms of the chord in the heart and no. Most often, she discovers by accident, as when listening to the heart from her noises emanate. A cardiologist who has heard such noises in the heart is obliged to give direction to the ECG, which reveals the presence of a chord. But also it can appear so-called a false chord at the child, that is at noises in heart which more often appear because of it, there is other reason.

Additional chord in the heart - reasons

The cause of an additional chord in a child is exclusively heredity on the maternal line. Perhaps the mother also has this anomaly or just some kind of heart disease.

Additional chord in the heart - treatment

Since there is no danger in the chord, it does not need special treatment, but nevertheless it is necessary to observe a sparing regimen.

  1. Physical stress should be limited. It is better to practice calm physical exercise.
  2. Alternating rest and labor to avoid overloading.
  3. Proper nutrition.
  4. Normal mode of the day.
  5. Stabilization of the nervous system, it is desirable to avoid nervous shocks.
  6. Obligatory examination at the cardiologist at least twice a year, since the noises that appear due to the chord may interfere with hearing other diseases of this organ, it is better to see the doctor.

An abnormal chord in children should not be a problem and should not be considered a terrible disease. A child with an additional chord can be perfectly healthy and live until old age without even knowing what heart problems are. The main thing is not to raise panic, but to follow the regime and be observed regularly by the doctor. And remember that the extra chord is not considered a disease and many doctors even recognized it, so to speak, a normal deviation from the norm.