How to raise a child for up to a year?

Some parents mistakenly believe that it is necessary to start the child upbringing not before the first year. However, this is not the case. The upbringing of an infant, both a boy and a girl, is a very important and time-consuming process, during which your child will be able to learn some good habits, a culture of communication and much more. Besides, from correct education of crumbs from the very birth depends its correct and full development.

How to raise a baby in the first 6 months of life?

Many parents are wondering how to raise a child up to a year, and especially a boy, so as not to greatly spoil it. During the newborn period, one should not be afraid to spoil the baby. On the contrary, the mother should take it as often as possible on the handles and, at the first call, fulfill all his requirements. For the youngest children, tactile contact and a calm benevolent attitude are extremely important.

Modern psychologists agree that the faster the mother reacts to crying and other signs of discomfort in the first half of his life, the more confident and independent the child feels in the future.

From the very birth of your child talk as much as possible with him. Do not be afraid to look stupid, comment on everything that you see and do, smile, looking crumbs directly in the eye - this you contribute to the formation of the child's culture of communication.

How to raise a child from 6 months to a year?

From the age of six months, the kid begins to learn all new skills every day. It becomes uninteresting to sit on the arms of my mother, but on the contrary, I always want to get somewhere. Usually after 6 months, children learn to crawl, which means that now your karapuz needs an eye and an eye.

Mom should no longer just words, but also actions show and explain how you can use each item - to roll a typewriter, comb your hair, brush your teeth and so on. All this contributes to teaching the child various social and cognitive skills. When a child has something to do, do not forget to praise him - pat his head, clap his hands, encourage with words, To cause the crumbs to have the right inner motivation.

Books on raising a child up to a year

Even during pregnancy, the mother may want to read the following books to tune in to properly educate the child from the moment of its birth:

  1. Martha and William Sears "Your baby from birth to two years."
  2. Masaru Ibuka "After three it's too late."
  3. Evgeny Komarovsky. "Child's health and the common sense of his relatives."