What is the dream about?

Downpour, as a symbol in dreams, has no unambiguous interpretation and can be both positive and negative. The full interpretation of the dream has a direct connection with other details, which must be taken into account. It is also worth taking into account the events that occur in real life.

What is the dream about?

Some dream books interpret such a symbol, as a harbinger of a serious experience. Cold rain is an indication that in the future because of the rushing emotions you can not soberly assess the current situation. If the downpour was warm it is a positive symbol that will tell you that soon everything will be fine and things will improve. There is also information that to see a shower in the dream is a warning that it is worth to watch out for water, because it contains a serious danger to life.

Fall into a shower in a dream, then you will be indiscreet in communicating with the boss or colleagues. Another such dream is a symbol of empty conversations, which will have no meaning and importance. Night vision, in which you are in a torrential downpour, is a warning that you should pay more attention to your health. If you hide from the rain under the tree - this is a harbinger of bad news. Run into the entrance to hide from the rain, then, it is worth preparing for serious life challenges. If you are hiding from a shower under an umbrella - this is an indication that you will succumb to a momentary weakness, which will have serious consequences. Hiding in a store means that in the future you will believe in a miracle. Dream, in which you go in the rain in the puddles - this is a favorable sign that promises advancement on the career ladder or an increase in wages. Sleep, in which you see a downpour outside the window, predicts the emergence of changes in life, perhaps you will find a new hobby .

Why do you have a heavy shower?

Pouring rain with thunder and lightning prophesies an improvement in the material situation. If you observe a heavy downpour with the wind, then you will be dissatisfied with something. Night vision, in which a heavy downpour develops into a flood, is a symbol of loss and destruction. To see a heavy downpour in a dream means that in reality there are certain emotional barriers that interfere with the desired goal. A strong summer downpour is a harbinger of a serious setback.