Coffee in Irish

The recipe for the Irish or Airish Kofek has a very interesting history. It was invented in the forties of the last century. The creator of such a pleasant warming drink was Joe Sheridan, the chef of an Irish restaurant. This restaurant was located at Shannon Airport, from where passengers flew to America on seaplanes. Once in winter (and in Ireland, the winter is very damp and cold), people could not fly off on the seaplane, and they had to spend the night at the airport. It is clear that all the chilled and tired passengers headed for the bar, which was located at the airport. Then Sheridan, to help visitors warm up, decided to make them an unusual coffee cocktail with the addition of Irish whiskey and fatty cream. People were very pleased - the drink was delicious and original. Gradually, the ayrish coffee was recognized not only at home, but also in America, and then all over the world. So the recipe for Irish coffee has come down to our time.

In order to cook Irish coffee, it is not necessary to be an experienced barista or go to a coffee shop. It is possible to warm up with a fragrant coffee cocktail at home. We will teach you how to cook Irish coffee just like a true Irishman.

Irish coffee - recipe



Irish cream-coffee is prepared in a special ayrish glass, its capacity is 227 grams. Warm the glass so: roll it with boiling water, let stand a minute and pour (you can warm it instead of a glass of whiskey, having held the bottle in hot water). At the bottom of a warm glass, put sugar, pour the whiskey. Cook strong coffee (it should be freshly ground) and add to the glass. Stir well.

It remains to put the cream. Take natural, with a high percentage of fat. Whip them yourself so that they stay liquid. If the cream is thick, then they are drowned in coffee. Refrigerate. Take a bar spoon, heat it, turn it upside down and, holding it over the glass, gently start pouring the cream so that they do not mix with the coffee, but lie down on its smooth surface. In the end, you can sprinkle a cocktail of cinnamon, this will give him a piquancy.

To drink hot coffee, combined with scalding whiskey, through a cold layer of gentle air cream is a pleasure that you want to repeat this moment every day.