Green coffee - an effective tool for rapid weight loss

The aroma of black coffee excites the sense of smell and improves mood. Green varieties can not boast of this - they smell of grass, tart taste is not impressive, but the popularity of green coffee is growing rapidly. The reason is that the drink is good for health and beauty.

Green coffee - what is it?

Some manufacturers claim that green is a new sort of coffee, which deceives consumers. Green coffee is the same grains of Arabica or Robusta, but without preliminary roasting. When cooked, they lose half of the useful properties, coffee is no exception. Raw grains bring more benefits to the body than well-roasted coffee beans.

The taste of a ready-made drink depends on the type of coffee. In Arabica it is soft and light. Robusta is strong and full. Valuables are stored in beans only if stored correctly. Green coffee deteriorates when exposed to sunlight and heat. Store it in a dark place in a sealed container at a temperature of +25 degrees and humidity up to 50%.

Green coffee - composition

The composition of green coffee is complex, the specific gravity of carbohydrates is 60%, of proteins is 10%. The grains contain more than 800 essential oils and valuable chlorogenic acid, which accelerates the burning of subcutaneous fat. Burning fat and getting rid of excess weight contribute to other components:

Disputes about the benefits and dangers of the drink cause the presence of caffeine in its composition. In 100 g of green grains it contains 0.5-1.5 g. When frying, the beans are reduced in size by a factor of 1.5-2, and the amount of caffeine remains the same. If we talk about harm, then it is twice as much from black coffee. Specific taste and aroma of the latter give trigonellin and sucrose, which break up during roasting and form nicotinic acid and coffin.

What is better - coffee or green tea?

Green coffee and green tea are not inferior to each other in popularity. Both drinks are useful, both have contraindications and features. Tea leaves contain caffeine, but it affects the human body milder than caffeine, contained in coffee beans. Tea contains tannin, stimulating the work of the brain and increasing activity. In green coffee it is not.

Tea quickly quenches thirst, favorably affects sexual function in men, which can not be said about coffee. Ascorbic acid is another component of tea leaves, so tea is effective in treating colds, flu, to strengthen immunity. The Chinese consider it a drink that prolongs life. But that all the properties are manifested, you need to drink tea every day and at least 3 cups.

Green coffee is good and bad

Is green coffee useful for health? The benefit will be if you do not abuse the drink. The rich composition of grains facilitates the state of headache and migraine, relieves spasms of blood vessels, improves the work of the heart, increases concentration of attention. Coffee, brewed from raw grains, tones and restores strength, improves mood, accelerates the burning of excess fat and the process of losing weight.

How does green coffee affect people who lose weight? To taste of a drink it is necessary to get used and drink every day - then there will be a result. The composition includes substances that suppress the feeling of hunger - this means that the saturation comes faster, and the time between snacking increases. A person reduces the amount of food and is gradually drawn into a new rhythm of life without severe restrictions and nervous breakdowns.

There are people who are not allowed to drink - consuming it, they risk their health. Contraindications include:

  1. Pregnancy and breastfeeding - the active components of coffee are harmful to the baby.
  2. Blood pressure jumps - the drink expands the blood vessels and increases pressure.
  3. Bad coagulability of blood - coffee dilutes blood.
  4. Problems with eyesight - after ingestion of green coffee, intraocular pressure increases.

How useful is green coffee?

For the prevention of heart disease, blood vessels, digestive organs it is useful to drink a cup of coffee in the morning and at lunch. In the evening it is better to refuse from its reception, because caffeine excites the nervous system, which leads to increased excitability, insomnia, other health problems. The benefits of green coffee for the body is due to its unique composition.

  1. The metabolism in the body is normalized.
  2. Accelerated blood circulation and digestion.
  3. The walls of the vessels are strengthened.
  4. The risk of atherosclerosis and thrombosis decreases.
  5. Reduces the amount of subcutaneous fat.
  6. Acceleration of the removal of salts and heavy metals from the body.
  7. Carbohydrate metabolism is normalized.
  8. Improves the work of the liver, respiratory system, prostate.
  9. Immunity is strengthened.
  10. The risk of developing type II diabetes is reduced.
  11. Slows down the process of aging cells.
  12. The probability of malignant neoplasms decreases.

Green coffee - harm

When is green coffee harmful? Before introducing the drink into the diet, it is advisable to consult a doctor and make sure that there are no contraindications to his intake. Coffee in large quantities (from 600 ml) is harmful even to healthy people. Consequences - dizziness, increased anxiety, heartburn, upset stomach , a sharp increase in eye pressure and risk of glaucoma.

Abuse of a coffee drink weakens joints, bones, tooth enamel. In the grains there are components that wash away calcium from the body. Calcium, contained in their composition, can not make up for the losses. It is not recommended to combine coffee with ginger - after its reception, the heart rate becomes faster, there are sharp jumps in blood pressure. It is fraught with strokes, especially for the elderly.

How to cook green coffee?

It is not difficult to prepare a drink.

  1. Raw grains are dense and firm - before cooking they can be dried on a dry runner, but do not fry.
  2. The next stage is grinding, it should be large - 1 mm. Then the grains will reveal the fragrance and saturate the drink with essential oils.
  3. Grind green coffee beans is better at a hand mill with low speed, so that they open the scent and saturate the beverage with essential oils.
  4. How to brew green coffee - for this, coffee makers, Turks, French presses are used. The amount of coffee is 2-3 teaspoons per serving.
  5. When preparing a drink in a Turkish, it is important not to bring it to a boil and have time to remove it from the fire as soon as the foam appears.
  6. When the foam settles, put the turkey on fire again and remove it without bringing it to a boil.
  7. This is repeated 3-4 times, after which you can pour freshly brewed coffee into a cup and drink.

How to drink green coffee?

A universal recipe is like drinking green coffee, no. A simple option is to drink it instead of black coffee. The morning cup will energize the body and support it in tone all day. Daytime - will increase efficiency, activate the work of the brain, which will positively affect productivity and personal effectiveness. Drink after training will help restore the body. It is undesirable to drink it on an empty stomach, so as not to harm the stomach and intestines.

Green coffee for weight loss

How to drink green coffee for weight loss, so as not to harm the body? To normalize the weight drink drink daily - 2-3 cups a day. Grind and cook grain before each use, so that they do not lose their useful properties. Girls and women manage to get rid of 3-4 extra pounds a month without hard diets. The first changes will be visible after 3 weeks.

  1. Chlorogenic acid will accelerate the breakdown of fats.
  2. Trigonellin normalizes metabolic processes.
  3. Fiber will dull the feeling of hunger.
  4. Caffeine will give strength in training, because without physical exertion there will be no good results.

Green coffee in cosmetology

Fresh coffee grains are used for the production of cosmetic oil - it is part of anti-wrinkle creams, anti-cellulite gels. Green coffee for the face can be used as a part of home masks and scrubs. It smooths the skin's relief, exfoliates dead cells, smoothes mimic wrinkles, restores the contour, slows down the aging process.

Green coffee for the skin is used to make anti-cellulite creams , massage blends, shampoos. Cosmetics remove cellulite, stretch marks, scars and other defects, treat acne, remove redness, soothe and tone the body. Shampoos with green coffee oil strengthen hair, prevent their loss, return a healthy shine and color.