Futurism - what is it in philosophy and the modern world?

The name "futurism" has a Latin origin and is translated as "the future". This trend in philosophy, literature and painting has become a natural consequence of urbanization with its fast pace of life, cars, telephones, airplanes, electric railways, etc.

What is Futurism?

The hero of this direction is a new man, far from the lyrics of the past, the poetry of lovers of the moon and black melancholy. Futurism is the tendency of a feverish aspiration for the future. This avant-garde movement of the early 20s of the last century gathered under its banner writers, poets, artists and all those who were closer to the energy of the big city, youthful enthusiasm and fire of struggle. The slogan of hot urbanists was the "beauty of speed", which they embodied in their works.

Futurism in Philosophy

Unlike Cubism and Expressionism, the philosophy of Futurism is oriented toward the emotional and psychological evaluation of machine civilization. Its founders - Marinetti, Boccioni, Carra, Severini and others preach dynamism and absolute freedom of images and words. Futurism in poetry involves the use of new words, vulgar vocabulary, professional jargon. Painters devote their work to machines and mechanisms. They are dominated by fragments and figures with sharp angles, zigzags, spirals - all that meets the principles of simultaneity.

The main features of Futurism

The main features of Futurism include:

  1. Free verse, free rhythm, use of the document language, posters and posters.
  2. Interested in what Futurism means, it is worthwhile to answer that this direction professes rejection of all traditions, a break with the past ideology and ethical views.
  3. Propaganda of artistic and domestic individualism.
  4. The evolution of the modernist concept, the expression of the essence of the object.
  5. The idea of ​​aggression, which becomes the aesthetic doctrine of Italian fascism.

Futurism in Web Design

Futuristic style is widely used in the design of Internet resources. Dynamic, surreal it is ideal for those who are working on a project related to space, robotics, innovative technologies. Design in the style of Futurism is performed in light and cold colors, and the textures are of the most modern type. The role of the main background is often played by the image of the newest architecture, which is an alloy of metal, glass and plastic. Futurism in design gives the impression of a dynamic, fast-growing resource, full of energy.

Futurism - books

The epoch could not but leave its imprint on the work of many writers who, in their works, covered the development of the post-industrial society with its hopes and aspirations, where the self-insatiable "I" comes first. Here are some of the most iconic books:

  1. "451 degrees Fahrenheit" by Ray Bradbury . In his work, the author raises the theme of the general zombification and duping of the population, carried out by interactive television. Rare dissenters are suppressed by punitive psychiatry, and the dog-robot hunts the incorrigible dissidents.
  2. "Clockwork Orange" by Anthony Burgess . This work is a literary paradox of the 20th century, where the red thread of the narrative is the topic of combating violence through the same violence.
  3. "How to seduce women. Kitchen Futurist »Filippo Tommaso Marinetti . Its author perfectly knows what futurism means, because he is his founder and ideological inspirer. He made a daring essay on how men seduce women.

Futurism - Movies

Futuristic films combine darkness, a horrible anti-utopia, with which unreal spaceships are shown, people in webbed spacesuits and other fantastic decorations, which make it necessary to build not very positive philosophical forecasts. Here are some of the pictures:

  1. "Water World" . The ingenuity of its creators amazes even the boldest assumptions. Here and Kevin Costner in the guise of a heroic mutant and quaint ships, and intricate buildings.
  2. "Heavenly Captain and the World of the Future" . Futurism in the movie does not always live up to expectations, but the game of such eminent actors as Angelina Jolie, Gwyneth Paltrow and others is simply mesmerizing. The presented strange world can hardly be described, but all fans of science fiction will definitely appreciate it.
  3. Prometheus . By the number of visual effects it is not very equal. The history of astronauts who went into space, makes you shudder with horror and unreal beauty.