What is self-doubt and how to get rid of it?

Increased suspiciousness and refusal to believe in one's own strengths are just the tip of an emotional iceberg, which psychologists call "strong self-doubt." This is a dangerous emotional state that can affect your career, achieve harmony in your personal life and communicate with your friends.

What does it mean to be insecure?

The complex of personal sensations, in which a person feels dependent on the opinions of others and is overly critical of himself, is the most frequent reason for appealing to psychologists. Low self-esteem and self-doubt - a complex phenomenon that includes components such as:

  1. Interpersonal problems (discomfort in dialogue with relatives and friends).
  2. Thoughtful violations (negative expectations from every action, wrong attitudes and guidelines, inadequate attitude towards oneself).
  3. Behavioral defects (lack of skills in social behavior).
  4. Emotional changes ( feelings of fear , increased anxiety).

Insecurity - psychology

Psychology defines this problem as "the presence of doubts on an ongoing basis in their abilities, external data, skills, forces and the ability to carry out their plans" - as the experts of this sphere disclose the concept of "self-doubt". In the critical forms of the development of this syndrome, the sufferer can even abandon any active action and become withdrawn in himself. Psychologists have two points of view on what is self-doubt:

  1. Supporters of the first theory believe that this is a serious problem, causing a violation in the psychosomatic personality. Incorrect perception of reality over time can create the ground for other mental problems.
  2. Representatives of the second current see in insecurity in their own strengths only advantages. They see in the daily struggle with fears the opportunity to develop a leadership character and learn how to resist failures.

Causes of insecurity

For the emergence of the soil for the development of this complex is the children's period of life, during which the formation of the personality takes place. Models of behavior that a person sees at an early age are imprinted in the child's psyche and gradually turn into a reference image. Constant self-doubt can be caused by a negative reaction to any active action or a personal example of parents suffering from lack of willpower. Among the other reasons that reveal what self-doubt is, are called:

Signs of self-doubt

Fear and uncertainty are very clearly felt before the performance, examination or interview. And although this trait does not have sexual or age specific features, the general signs of it can be identified in a small list:

How to get rid of self-doubt?

Whichever behavior model the owner of the complex chooses (between the escaping and attacking form), he can and must make every effort to combat the problem. The first step toward getting rid of psychological discomfort is finding the answer to the question of why self-doubt arises. Running from a phobia is not necessary - it is worth to get acquainted closer, to understand, because of what it appears, in what situations increases, and from which it decreases. Understanding how to overcome uncertainty in yourself, you can build a plan to gain control over the complexes:

  1. Exit the comfort zone . Refusal of habitual actions and rituals will bring novelty to life and will distract from concentration on fears.
  2. Establishment of contact with the body . People with complexes will feel a surge of energy if they start to play sports or dance.
  3. Visualization in the subconscious . Creating positive mental images, playing situations that lead to success helps to put in the successful solution of the script any situation where the phobia manifests itself.
  4. The manifestation of the initiative . "Training" on communication with the already familiar removes the barriers when you first contact with strangers.

Insecurity - Orthodoxy

Believers seek to find answers to all the questions in the religion to which they relate. The church believes that pride, self-doubt as a person's qualities are like a sin, because they deprive a person of the joy of life. The Bible about self-doubt tells a little, but the priests agree that there are professions for which it is dangerous - surgeons, scientists, pilots and air traffic controllers. Religion advises unusual methods of treatment of complexes:

Books about self-doubt

Written in simple language, the work of psychologists helps to cope with the consequences of life crises and learn how to evaluate yourself. Books give a chance on the part of looking at the problems that many in the everyday life are afraid to even think about:

  1. "Psychological help to relatives" Irina Germanovna Malkina-Pykh. The author has collected practical recommendations on the passage of complex stages in life and self-control.
  2. "People will do as you wish." John Robert Parkinson. There is no better book about self-doubt for a person who wants to learn how to be a winner and create an inner core.
  3. "The art of being yourself" Vladimir Levi. The creator of the book summarized the knowledge of psychologists from ancient times to the present, in order to enable each reader to find a soul balance.
  4. "Self-confidence training" Manuel James Smith. The book teaches you to own emotions and tells how to stop being afraid of outside criticism.

Movies about self-doubt

Movies about the victory over their own phobias were created at different times, but they never lost relevance. Films about self-doubt from this list are recommended for viewing by people of all ages:

  1. "Coyote Ugly Bar" . According to the story, a girl from a provincial town comes to noisy New York, where she finds work in one of the city bars. To achieve the success she dreamed about, she will have to overcome the softness and indecision in herself.
  2. "Ladies from the Calendar / Calendar Girls" . The picture is based on real events and talks about women desperate to complete a charity gathering for the hospice. To attract public attention, they could only manage to crack down on their complexes and starring for a calendar for the sake of money.
  3. "Particles of Truth / Particles Of Truth" . Young talented artist Lily Black paints beautifully, but is afraid to exhibit and sell their work. To overcome her phobias, she can not because of her life with her parents: the mother of the girl is an alcoholic, and the father does not go out because of the fear of germs.
  4. "The Incredible Life of Walter Mitty / The Secret Life of Walter Mitty . " Walter Mitty lived a modest life as a seller of a small shop, dreaming about how his life would change. Once he believed in his own convictions, how amazing things happened to him.