How to react to rudeness?

With rudeness in life there are many, but how to react to this phenomenon is not known to all. Meanwhile, it is necessary to learn self-defense techniques for one's own psyche, because scandalous individuals are able to spoil the mood, lower self-esteem and self -confidence, cause a sense of shame.

How to react calmly to rudeness?

Psychology recommends reacting to rudeness as an unpleasant but inevitable evil. From people with a bad mood and character can not hide, so you need to learn to stay calm and balanced.

First of all, you need to try to determine the factor that makes a person a more frequent victim of the intemperance of cads. This may be external or internal insecurity, modesty, which, moreover, are combined with good upbringing, which does not allow an adequate response to an aggressive individual. To protect yourself, you must at least look outwardly confident, serious and impressive, then any boor will think three times whether it is safe to direct his negative on such a person.

To calmly react to rudeness, you need to give yourself the right setting. Ham is a weak, defective person who is not able to cope with his emotions and internal negativity, and therefore striving to assert himself at the expense of others. Treat the verbal aggressor as an unhealthy person, an invalid, then he will cause pity, and his attempts to humiliate - to laugh.

When the verbal attack of a boor is necessary, "wear" a mask of impenetrability, detachment. You can imagine a picture from Krylov's fable - the elephant is coming, and the silly Moska jumps, barks, but can not do anything. If you still have to talk with a boor - you do not need to stand up for the position of the defender. To speak in this case, you must firmly, calmly and confidently, without sinking to excuses. Rudeness and snap in response - this is also a defensive position, which will provoke the opponent to further verbal intemperance.

How to react to rudeness of a husband or a loved one?

The rudeness of a neighbor, colleague and seller in the store is an unpleasant, but still quite easily solvable situation. But when a loved one or husband is rude, in such cases the approach to resolving the situation is needed more subtle.

The most important in dealing with rudeness from the closest person is to understand its causes. Although immediately worth noting - this "signal" about anything good does not say, and most likely, this intemperate man can present many more unpleasant "surprises".

First, it is worth mentioning a situation where rudeness can be justified. An adequate man, if he is physically and mentally exhausted, aspires to solitude - "goes to his cave". If a woman tries to bother him, she may run into rudeness or rudeness, and the first recommendation is that the man first needs to be given time to recover, but only after that can we say how much pain his words caused. A loving man must apologize and offer his wife a constructive way out of these situations.

The second common problem is a sharp change in a man after some time after the wedding. The spouse can start literally harassing his wife with cavils and ridicule. This often happens with a low self-esteem of an individual who has long held back, trying to win his wife. With such a development of events after a while, there is a breakdown. a man is cooling to his wife or is just stopping to restrain himself.

In this case, the husband should first talk, explain that his behavior causes pain (who knows, maybe his sense of humor is not quite adequate). If the conversation does not help, and the spouse continues to sharpen his "wit" on his beloved woman, or is constantly being quarreled, most likely he will have to part with such a person. And only fear of losing a family can cause a boor to learn restraint, and if this does not happen - a woman will only save time and nerves.