How to learn to control yourself?

Self-control is the main condition for success in any field of activity.

Ability to control their feelings and emotions is also necessary for the full development of the individual. Psychologists identify the following main reasons for which you need to be able to control yourself:

  1. First, the ability to control one's emotions contributes to the preservation of health. As you know, stress and depression are the cause of many diseases. It is not always possible to avoid stressful situations, but by controlling your emotions you can avoid the negative consequences of such situations.
  2. In conflict and extreme situations, the ability to control oneself is necessary to make a quick and correct decision.
  3. The ability to control oneself is necessary to concentrate attention on achieving the set goals.

Of course, every person can have additional reasons for learning how to control himself, but the main reason for everyone will be the desire to improve their lives.

So, let's see what psychologists advise in order to learn how to control yourself

First of all, it is necessary to understand what is most often a source of negative experiences. This will help to maintain a special diary. In one column, one must list negative emotions and feelings, such as fear, anger, anger, despair, apathy and others. In the next column, you need to write down a few situations that have caused each experience. Such a table will help you to understand what feelings you need to learn to control first. You can also do an analysis of the situation in an additional column and come up with a variant of behavior that would avoid negative emotions. Every day, it is necessary to describe the situations that have occurred, which have caused negative emotions, their actions and sensations, the consequences and the analysis of the situation. Day after day, during the day such records will develop the ability to control themselves.

In addition to keeping records and analyzing situations, the following recommendations of psychologists can help you learn to control yourself:

In order to learn to control yourself, you need to work on yourself daily. Control over emotions and feelings is the key to success in business, and harmony in family relationships.