Varenets is good and bad

Varenets is a sour-milk drink, obtained from melted milk. To taste it looks like a fermented woman. That's only when cooking varenets use cream and sour cream, ryazhenki - sour cream. Varenets is cream colored with the help of melanoidins, which are formed by the interaction of proteins and milk sugar at high temperature.

The Benefit of the Varendz

The composition of varenets includes about two hundred different substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body. This remarkable product is assimilated by the human body much better and faster than milk, thanks to the partial fermentation of proteins that make up its composition.

It should also be noted that the vareni helps to increase resistance to infectious diseases, in addition, it maintains the bone system of teeth in good condition due to the content of phosphorus and calcium in its composition.

With the regular use of this sour-milk product, you can improve the work of the digestive tract, kidney and liver, appetite and overall well-being. It allows you to remove toxins from the body, get rid of excess weight and resist obesity . Thus, it becomes clear what is useful to the varenetz.

Damage to the Varentsa

But in addition to the undisputable benefits of the vareni has a damage. For example, people who do not tolerate cow's milk, can face allergic reactions to it, manifested in the form of spots, itching and flaky skin. Also, the vareni can cause bloating, which can be caused by a violation of the digestion of lactose, which begins to ferment in the intestines.

Many are interested in the question of what is more useful - a varenet or a fermented burger. It should be noted that fermented baked milk is a Ukrainian drink that contains a large amount of fat.

Ryazhenka is much more caloric than varenets, but its acidity is lower than that of kefir. This product is useful for people who have problems with the digestive system.

Varenets is considered to be a Russian drink with cream and sour cream in its composition. The difference between ryazhenka and varenets is only in their ingredients. Both these products are considered useful for the intestines and digestion.