How to drink water properly during the day and what water to drink?

People of previous generations could only dream about such a variety of drinks. But, alas, of the quantity that manufacturers offer, only a few products are of high quality and have a beneficial effect on health. In such situations, adherents of a healthy lifestyle learn information about how to drink water properly and not get sick.

What kind of water is better to drink?

This issue is very important, because water of low quality, with a large amount of iron, infected with intestinal pathogens can cause serious illnesses. When discussing what water to drink, attention is drawn to the source from which it is taken. Quite a few cases, when the spring key, to which a large number of people come with tare, cans, bottles - became the cause of mass infection. Although water comes from an underground source, passing through natural filters (sand, pebbles), it can contain pathogenic microorganisms.

Boiled water is also not an option for drinking. In the process of boiling, it is deprived of oxygen. It is dangerous to use untreated tap water. If it is rigid, the system of its processing needs to be replaced (in many regions of the country it is so), then in the course of time it is possible to "acquire" stones in the kidneys or "pick up" the E. coli. What is left? Sea water? But it is completely unsuitable for drinking. Which exit?

People who use miniature house filtration systems, have long decided the question of how to drink water coming to houses through water supply systems. Multistage quality filters thoroughly purify water from harmful bacteria and heavy deposits, while enriching it with useful minerals. Not everyone has the opportunity to buy expensive filters, then it is better to bring a mineral water home. If you can not drink carbonated, you can buy without gases or remove for several hours the lid from the bottle.

How much water should I drink per day?

The human body is 80% water, and daily needs replenishment of its reserves. The norm is the daily intake of liquid in the amount of 2-2.5 liters. But if you get into the body of harmful substances, poisons and toxins, the demand for H2O can sharply increase, so the question of how much to drink water per day is controversial. The body "includes" protective mechanisms, trying to naturally expel from itself the alien contents and products of decay. This happens when consumed with concentrated vinegar or salt food or alcohol poisoning .

How to drink water properly during the day?

Many drink liquids when and how much they want, and are very surprised when they learn that they should drink the water correctly. If you drink a few cups of iced water, then the body loses a lot of energy in order to warm it, before it flows through the cell membranes into the blood, and the stomach has to stretch out to absorb a large amount of liquid. And the cardiovascular system "does not like" such habits. The liquid should be drunk in small sips in an amount of 1 cup during the day approximately every 2 hours.

Is it useful to drink water in the morning on an empty stomach?

In the morning hours immediately after awakening, the body takes several hours to get the internal organs "awake" and begin to work actively. At night he "patched" the diseased parts of the body, restored the activity of the central nervous system, cleared the body of harmful substances. The digestive tract at this time was inactive (with an empty stomach), so the question of whether one can drink water on an empty stomach is always an affirmative answer. The liquid does not create a long load on the stomach, but it includes the "motor" of digestion.

Can I drink water at night?

If you want to drink before going to sleep, then a few sips of life-giving moisture will only quench your thirst. Therefore, doubting whether you can drink water at night - completely unnecessary experience, but with a large amount of water drunk in the morning, there may be slight swelling and malaise. The body, instead of having a rest, passes the liquid through the excretory system. A person after 2-3 hours of undisturbed sleep suddenly wakes up with a strong desire to go to the toilet. There is nothing good in this.

Can I drink water after a meal?

After a meal in the stomach, digestion processes are triggered. For different types of food, the stomach secrete juice, in which acid or alkali predominates. It is important, and how many types of food got into the stomach bag, and whether their combination was successful, and on the amount of "extraneous" liquid. There are certain limitations in how much after a meal you can drink water. Nutritionists recommend eating it 40 min-1 hour after eating, when the process of digestion has already started.

How correctly to drink water before meal?

The answer to the question of when to drink water before meals is quite obvious, if the previous section has been carefully read. If a person really wants water, do not limit yourself to this desire, but the fluid must be able to leave the stomach and be absorbed by the body. What happens if too much food gets to the body full of water? The process of digestion is markedly inhibited. Poorly digested and food, and water. Gastric juice is mixed with the liquid contents, and the food is split slowly. Therefore, you need to drink for 40 minutes-1 hour before eating.

Is it harmful to drink a lot of water?

Curious readers are interested in what will happen if you drink a lot of water? With healthy kidneys and organs of excretory system, nothing terrible will happen. The water naturally leaves the body. But if you drink plenty of fluids every day, your internal organs will experience a higher load. The stomach is stretched, the kidneys need to pump a large amount of water. A part of useful substances is washed out of the body: calcium, potassium, magnesium, so everything is good in moderation.