Growth of Mark Zuckerberg

Mark Zuckerberg is a person most famous on the whole planet. He is a talented programmer, an exemplary family man, a promising fencer, a happy father and just a man with a huge heart. Everyone is surprised how one of the richest people in the country manages to remain a simple man who wears cheap T-shirts, shorts and slippers. Mark has not forgotten how to enjoy the most basic things, such as walking through narrow streets with his wife, snacks in a fast food cafe and much more. He has many followers and admirers. Fans dream to know everything about their idol, about the person whose achievements will be sought all his life.

After the birth of his daughter, Zuckerberg said that he would give 99% of all his shares to the development of medicine, science and all that will create a better future for all mankind. He told about this in his letter to the daughter of Max, whose text was posted on his page in the social network.

What is the growth of Mark Zuckerberg?

Although Mark is not the most enviable appearance and not the highest sense of style, but many are interested in learning about his parameters. So, Mark Zuckerberg has an increase of 173 centimeters and weight - 84 kilograms.

It should be noted that Mark together with his wife Priscilla Chan are one of the richest pairs in the world. Perhaps this is due to the fact that Zuckerberg does not refer to Facebook as a work and a source of inexhaustible income. According to his statements, this is for him a mission, which is called to help people, always be in touch. By the way, in 2010 Time magazine announced Mark Zuckerberg a man of the year, and in 2013 he was recognized as the best CEO of the year.

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In addition, the programmer received a huge number of other titles, awards and, it is worth noting that it is quite deserved.