Signs of poisoning

The cause of a sudden bad state of health can be the negative impact of hazardous substances. This is the poisoning of the body. It is important to determine the source of toxins in time - because every lost hour can lead to irreversible consequences. To do this, you need to be able to distinguish signs of poisoning by certain products or chemicals. Some common cases of poisoning will be discussed in our today's material.

Signs of carbon monoxide poisoning

Carbon monoxide does not have a color or a smell, it acts on the body quickly, but imperceptibly. Therefore, it is very difficult to determine the cause of poisoning only by symptoms. Carbon monoxide poisoning could occur if the state of health worsened after being in the room, where:

The likelihood of carbon monoxide poisoning is also high in chemical production, since carbohydrate oxide is a common product of incomplete combustion of all organic substances.

Symptoms of CO poisoning:

Similar symptoms occur when methane is poisoned. This gas is used as fuel. He, too, has neither color nor smell. But in household methane (for gas stoves, boilers and columns), a deodorant - mercaptan - is added with a sharp unpleasant odor. Therefore, to recognize the leakage of methane is very simple.

Signs of mercury poisoning from the thermometer

Mercury is a liquid metal, dangerous for the human body at any contact. Acute mercury poisoning occurs when inhaling a large number of its fumes or by ingestion of pure mercury and its salts. In case of damage to the mercury thermometer, small moving balls can get on the mucous membrane of the eyes or mouth. Such contact with the poison promotes the rapid penetration of mercury molecules into the blood. At the same time, the vapor of liquid metal is inhaled. Since the amount of mercury in the thermometer is not large enough for acute poisoning, the symptoms of intoxication may not appear immediately. Signs of mercury poisoning:

Signs of poisoning with mushrooms

Toxins contained in food, sometimes provoke the most severe and acute poisoning. And one of the most dangerous food is the mushroom. Of course, we are talking about poisonous mushrooms. But they can so skillfully "masquerade" for usable mushrooms, that even the most experienced mushroom pickers sometimes make mistakes. It's enough for one piece of pale toadstool to get into the pan with edible mushrooms, as the dish becomes dangerous for life. Symptoms of poisoning with fungi differ from normal food poisoning by the absence of a rise in temperature and can occur from 2 to 24 hours after the consumption of the product. Signs of ingestion of fungal toxins into the body:

There is a rapid loss of fluid, there is dehydration. Therefore, at the first signs of any poisoning it is necessary to immediately fill the water-salt balance of the organism. In case of poisoning with mushrooms, the liver and kidneys take the most powerful blow. With inadequate treatment, acute renal and hepatic insufficiency may occur on the second day. The consequence of this development is a fatal outcome.

Symptoms of chlorine poisoning

Another fairly common case of poisoning is chlorine intoxication. Chlorine is a very active substance. As a rule, in everyday life it is used in the form of hydrogen chloride. It is found in many detergents. Inhalation of hydrochloric acid vapors in a small enclosed area can lead to poisoning and burns of the respiratory tract. Acute states of chlorine poisoning occur when ingested substances containing chlorine. Symptoms of chlorine poisoning:

Signs of alcohol poisoning

Alcohol intoxication occurs as a result of excess of the alcohol dose in the blood. The harmful effect of alcohol, above all, produces on the brain. The main symptoms of alcohol poisoning: