Geranium of ivy

Home flower, called geranium ampel, rightly deserved the love of many housewives. Agree, because very cute look flowing from the walls of bright live flowers? A large number of colors and types, as well as brightness and originality - it's all for what the beloved geranium loved. What kind of care is required for the splintery geranium and how to propagate it - read in a specially prepared for you article.

The difference between ampel geranium and geranium is

The adjective "ampel" is used when it comes to plants grown in pots and hanging pots. The stems of ampel plants are very different from ordinary plants, they bend and curl a little, but they do not break. In length, shoots of such geraniums can reach 80-90 cm.

Plioclycate ampellar geranium, in addition to the described flexibility of the stems, differs from its sister in leaves. We are used to the fact that the leaves of the geranium are soft, as if covered with fuzz. In the ivy geranium it is completely different, the leaves are smooth and even, cool to the touch.

Care for geraniums

Talking about caring for geraniums, we'll start with a description of the soil, because the properly selected soil is the guarantee of half the success. So, here are the basic rules:

  1. Plumed leaved geranium likes fertile land.
  2. Ideal for growing geraniums is a composition in which sand, leafy earth, humus earth, and turf and peat will be mixed in equal proportions.
  3. A pot for ampel geranium should be chosen in medium sizes, count so that between the roots of the flower and the walls of the vessel was a distance of 1.5-2 cm. By the way, it is noticed that almost all kinds of ampel plants grow best in not very large pots.

With the earth sorted out, you can go to the features of care, for your bright beauty.

  1. Ampelnaya geranium came to us from Africa, so it is quite natural that she loves light. Proceeding from this, select the southern and brightly lit windows of your house. If there are none, then it is better not to start this flower at all, otherwise you will have to suffer both, and you will not be able to get a magnificent bloom and bright greenery.
  2. The air temperature in the summer in the room should be about 20-25 ° C, in winter the gap from 12 to 15 ° C is perfectly suitable.
  3. Watering. When it's hot outside, geranium prefers frequent and abundant watering. But in doing so, you need to ensure that there is no stagnation of water in the soil, otherwise mold can not be avoided. To prevent this, planting a flower in a pot, take care of the drainage, which will rid the plant of excess moisture. During the cold season, irrigation rules are radically changed: not more than once in 1.5-2 weeks.
  4. Another point that touches many owners mistakes sprayed. The leaves of ampel geranium do not tolerate moisture. If you do not know this, you can cause rotting and infect the entire plant with some dangerous disease for him.
  5. Well, now you can say a little about fertilizer. Growing an ampel geranium, buy a solution containing potassium. It will need to be used only 3 times a month and only in the spring-summer period.

Reproduction of ivy geraniums

Propagation of geranium can be done in several ways: by seeds and cuttings. About the first we will not tell, tk. he is too troublesome and unreliable. Let us dwell on the cuttings.

  1. We prepare the soil, which includes peat, leaf earth and sand, mixed in equal proportions. After that we disinfect the finished composition with the help of high temperatures, and then cool.
  2. Cut cuttings should be inspected, and if moisture is noticed, it is necessary to get rid of it by drying the places of slices. Good advice is given by experienced flower growers: after circumcision leave for a day the twigs lie on the air, and then simply dip in coal powder.
  3. After the first points are met, you can proceed to landing. To do this, just stick the shank into the ground, and squeeze the soil on all sides.

That's all the wisdom, using which you will provide your house with the abundant and lush bloom of geraniums.