Blood sausage is good and bad

The main distinguishing feature of blood sausage is the presence in it of pork, bull or calf blood, which is added to the meat minced meat. This recipe has existed for many years, and it was not forgotten because the properly prepared krovjanka is a tasty and incredibly useful product.

Useful properties of blood sausage

To answer the question of whether blood sausage is useful, let's study its chemical composition.

This meat product is the record holder for iron content. It is worth noting that the blood vessel contains heme bivalent iron, which is easier for our body to absorb. Thus, blood sausage is one of the best sources of this element. By the way, the liver contains iron in a trivalent form, its bioavailability is very low, therefore it is better for women planning a pregnancy, as well as for people with anemia, to give preference to a kroviake.

The chemical composition of this sausage is full of many vitamins. Particularly many vitamins of group B, D and niacin are in it. In addition, this product is rich in mineral substances: potassium, zinc, phosphorus , magnesium. One can not help but mention that in such a sausage the content of amino acids, including irreplaceable ones, is high.

Benefit and harm of blood sausage

There are pitfalls, because of which blood sausage will do more harm than good.

  1. Many people are interested in how many calories in blood sausage. On 100 g of the product it is necessary about 275 calories, and about half from them give fats. Therefore, losing weight and people with atherosclerosis should not be abused krovyankoy. Caloric content of blood sausage may increase if the manufacturer adds more fat and fat to it.
  2. In order to save meat, minced meat is often diluted with by-products, connective tissue and skin, and this does not add value to the product.
  3. Because of the high content of fats and protein, blood sausage is slowly digested and for some is a "heavy" food, so people with digestive system diseases can eat it only in small amounts.