Kumquat is good and bad

Now on the shelves of supermarkets a large selection of imported exotics, some fruits cause an open misunderstanding of consumers about the application and nutritional value. One of these foreign guests is kumquat, similar in appearance to orange or mandarin, but this is not the first and not the second, what is kumquat and what it is useful for - let's try to study it more closely.

The first mention of the fruits of kumquat appeared in the Chinese literature of the twelfth century, in its historical homeland. They are also referred to as Fortunella or Kinkan and referred to as citrus. On appearance it is small in length (up to 5 cm) and narrow (up to 4 cm) oval fruit, bright orange with a pronounced citrus aroma. To taste, kumquat resembles a sour mandarin, of the six species found in nature, the sweetest is the Hong Kong kumquat.

Fruits have a fairly wide range of microelements and vitamins, which gives kumquat useful properties. The composition includes vitamins B, C, A, E, as well as potassium, calcium, magnesium, copper, phosphorus, sodium, zinc, as well as a unique substance - furakumarin.

Benefits of fetal kumquat

Due to its rich composition, as well as fiber and pectin, kumquat has several advantages:

Equally, with the benefit of kumquat can bring and harm, if you have increased acidity and kidney disease. Also, do not eat fruit to pregnant women and breastfeeding women, it is fraught with a rash in the baby.

Kumquat - how to eat it?

Fruits are eaten entirely directly with the skin, it is very juicy, has a sweet taste with pleasant astringency. Also it is used in the preparation of salads, marmalade , candied fruits, jam, for cocktails and decor of dishes.

In Chinese medicine, the skin is used as inhalations for colds, pouring a few pieces of crust with boiling water, and inhaling for five minutes twice a day. Still freshly squeezed juice rubbed with fungus skin and nails, this treatment is considered effective.