Sugary substitute - harm or benefit?

Today it has become fashionable to replace the usual sugar with its analogues, which are promoted by producers as safer and low-calorie. To date, there are 2 groups of sweeteners: natural and synthetic, the harm or benefit of which remains to be seen.

Those who think that their body is unfamiliar with sugar analogs are mistaken, because such additives are present in a wide variety of food products - sausages, pastries, buns, sweets, sauces, mayonnaise, etc. Natural additives include xylitol, isomalt, sorbitol, fructose , stevia, and to artificial ones - cyclamate, aspartame, acesulfame, sucralose, saccharin, etc. The first are slightly more caloric than the second, so artificially synthesized analogues are advertised more actively. Manufacturers encourage people to use them, having problems with being overweight in order to lose weight.

Harm of sugar substitutes for humans

However, everything is not so simple here. The use of non-natural sweeteners is fraught with the opposite effect in the desire to lose weight. After all, if the usual sugar gets into the body, insulin production will occur and the glucose level in the blood will decrease. Carbohydrates, that is, energy, do not provide carbohydrates with an energy, thus inducing them to draw them from other foods, and in an enhanced regime, which immediately reflects on the figure. In addition, they also stimulate the appetite, which further exacerbates the existing problem.

Therefore, those who are interested in, harm or use in losing weight bring a sweetener, it is worth considering this point. In addition, many of them have a lot of other side effects, hazardous to health. Saccharin is considered to be a carcinogen and can cause bladder cancer. Aspartame becomes toxic when heated and with prolonged use causes nausea, digestive disorders, headache, etc. Suclamate is a powerful allergen, xylitol in large doses provokes cholecystitis, less often gallbladder cancer.

Cyclamate is sodium and calcium. The first is dangerous for people suffering from kidney failure. Acesulfame potassium does not cause allergies, but contains methyl ether, which adversely affects the heart. In addition, it excites the nervous system.

Benefits of sugar substitutes

Disputes about the benefits and harms of sugar substitutes for the human body do not cease until now. Meanwhile, people suffering from diseases of the endocrine system, in particular, diabetes mellitus , simply can not afford to use the usual sugar and are forced to switch to substitutes. But if you control their intake and do not exceed the daily dose, they will not harm the body, but this only applies to natural analogs. Without harm to health, you can use such sweeteners as stevia, sucralose. The first not only solves problems with diabetes and obesity, but also helps to cope with hypertension, atherosclerosis and cardiovascular diseases.

Sucralose has been used for a quarter of a century and during this time, not a single fact confirming its harmfulness was obtained. Sorbitol stimulates the work of the stomach, xylitol fights against diseases of the teeth. However, most of them are much sweeter than sugar, and therefore they are used in small doses. In particular, fructose can eat no more than 30 grams per day, stevia - 35 grams, and sorbitol - 40 g. In order to make the sugar substitute harmless, it is necessary to carefully study the instructions for use and the label of the product, and those who take such supplements according to indications, you must first consult with a specialist.