Vitamins in food

Food is the main source of nutrients for the human body. Particular attention should be given to the presence of vitamins in food. They help not only to maintain health, but also the ideal shape and beauty of the body.

What affects the content of vitamins in food?

There are several important aspects that have a direct effect on the concentration of nutrients:

  1. Variety and variety of the product. As you know, the greatest concentration of nutrients is found in fresh fruits and vegetables.
  2. Also, the number of vitamins is affected by the method and shelf life. When stored in the refrigerator after 3 days, up to 30% of useful substances are lost, and at room temperature up to 50%.
  3. With constant contact with light rays, vitamins also break down.
  4. Method of processing. With prolonged heat treatment, a large number of useful substances are destroyed. Therefore, the ideal option is to prepare meals for a couple.
  5. Many manufacturers add preservatives and other substances to food that destroy vitamins. Also, the concentration of vitamins in foods grown in greenhouse conditions is reduced.
  6. If the peel is removed from fruits and vegetables, the amount of nutrients is significantly reduced.
  7. Negatively affects the concentration of vitamins freezing, mechanical treatment, pasteurization, etc.

What vitamins are in food?

There are a lot of useful substances that are necessary for life, but among them one can distinguish:

  1. Vitamin A. The most important for visual acuity. In large quantities found in citrus fruits, carrots, green vegetables, eggs and liver.
  2. B vitamins . Favorably affect the activity of the nervous system. To search for these useful substances it is necessary in meat, milk, fish, beans, porridges, mushrooms, etc.
  3. Vitamin D. It is necessary for normal growth and development of the skeleton, as well as for preventing osteoporosis in adulthood. Most of all vitamin D in dairy products, as well as in fatty fish and other seafood.
  4. Vitamin E. It is the basis of youth and fertility of the organism. This substance should be sought in foods with a high content of vegetable fats, for example, in nuts and oils.
  5. Vitamin C. Strengthens the body's immune system and increases protective functions before the action of viruses and infections. Most of it is found in vegetables, citrus, dog rose, berries and fruits.

Table of vitamins in food