Is psoriasis contagious or not?

External manifestations of psoriasis are very unaesthetic: scaly white plaques, bright pink spots, cracked reddened skin, pustules, ulcers, oozing saccharum. The patient is tormented by itchy skin, and when contamination enters contaminated areas, the infection also joins in addition. In addition, the disease strikes at many organs and systems, mainly suffering:

Psoriasis makes the life of the patient uncomfortable, the quality of his life decreases. In severe cases, serious complications often occur, including disability. It is understandable the concern of those people who are faced with the disease: is psoriasis of the skin contagious?

Mechanism of disease development

Before answering the question whether an infectious disease is psoriasis or not, we will find out why a dangerous disease occurs. The mechanism of the development of the disease is as follows: each type of cells in the human body has its own life cycle. So, the cells of the stratum corneum of the skin normally live about 30 days. In affected areas, this cycle changes, cells die off and exfoliate after 4-5 days, which is manifested as scaling and itching of the skin.

Causes of the disease

To get a reliable answer to the question: Is psoriasis or not? - It should also be noted factors that can trigger the development of the disease.

For a long time in the medical environment there was an opinion that psoriasis is caused by bacteria and fungi. But as a result of many years of medical research, scientists came to the conclusion that the disease is not contagious. The main factors affecting the development of the disease are:

  1. Genetics. Heredity, according to experts, is the main prerequisite for the onset of psoriasis. Therefore, it is not uncommon for several family members to suffer from psoriasis.
  2. Allergy. Some scientists believe that psoriasis is a response to the effect on the body of allergens.
  3. Metabolic disorders. Pathological changes in metabolism, for example, in diabetes mellitus, can become a trigger for the development of psoriasis.
  4. Infections and weak immunity . Dermatologists note that often the first signs of psoriasis appear after the transferred viral, bacterial and fungal diseases. Also a prerequisite may be some chronic ailments.
  5. Prolonged stress, deep emotional shock. Analyzing the history of the disease, the patients themselves recall that the symptoms of psoriasis appeared after a long experience or an experienced shock state.
  6. Unbalanced nutrition, bad habits.

Is infectious disease of psoriasis or not?

Reliably established that psoriasis is not transmitted:

In this regard, we can conclude: psoriasis is not contagious, and the presence of this dermatological disease does not carry danger to surrounding people. But if in your family tree there are cases of illness, especially if psoriasis was hurt by relatives on both the paternal and maternal lines, then you have a genetic predisposition to the disease. Experts recommend in this situation to take special care of their health.

It is important to note the fact that modern medicine offers therapeutic agents that can slow the progress of the disease, prolong the periods of remission and prevent the occurrence of complications.