Analysis for toxoplasmosis

Toxoplasmosis is a word that sounds menacing, and, in the first place, frightens pregnant women. After parasites called toxoplasma are able to penetrate through the placental membrane and have a negative impact on the intrauterine child. However, analysis for toxoplasmosis in humans, as a rule, very rarely reveals infection. That is, a woman is absolutely healthy, even though there is an infected cat in the house. And yet, if you are afraid that your pet could become a source of toxoplasm for you, then you can always do a blood test for toxoplasmosis.

Method of carrying out and decoding of the analysis for toxoplasmosis

The essence of this analysis is to identify the number of parasites in the blood. Especially often the analysis on toxoplasmosis is done in pregnancy, in order to exclude congenital pathologies in the child. In order to know the amount of toxoplasma in the human body, blood is taken from the vein. Pregnant women give one blood test from a vein for an object, toxoplasmosis, HIV infection and other dangerous conditions of the body.

Analysis for toxoplasmosis is carried out in vitro. This means that the amount of toxoplasm is determined by a certain amount of blood. As a result of the study, one of three options can be identified:

  1. 6,5 - 8,0 IU / ml is a probable result which allows to speak about suspicion of toxoplasmosis.
  2. > 8.0 IU / ml or more - a positive result indicating the presence of the disease.

If the result of the analysis on toxoplasmosis is doubtful, then it is taken again, but not earlier than in two weeks. The value less than 6.5 IU / ml, obtained during the analysis of toxoplasmosis, is taken as norm. However, if suspicions are still left, the blood can also be retested for 14 days.

In case you do not want to feel doubt about whether the infection from a sick animal has got into your blood, and do not worry again, you can take the test regularly, for example, every 6 months. In this case, the disease can be detected even at an early stage of development.

And yet, if you are pregnant, if you are not sure that the cat is sick, but at the same time he goes for a walk on the street, then it is better to give it to the relatives or acquaintances before the end of pregnancy, so as not to risk it once again, because the price of risk is too high.