Severity in the abdomen - causes

The feeling of discomfort in the stomach can be chronic, and can manifest itself situationally. The causes of the severity in the abdomen in these conditions are different - from banal overeating, to serious disorders in the work of the gastrointestinal tract. In order to accurately establish them, you should analyze your eating habits and lifestyle characteristics.

Causes of heaviness and bloating

The feeling of heaviness in the stomach and intestinal region can be caused by the accumulation of gases. Usually, this phenomenon is accompanied by bouts of flatulence , but this does not always happen. The primary source of the problem lies in the violation of intestinal motility and malnutrition. Here are the factors that are the cause of the severity and pain in the abdomen most often:

Usually, gravity in the abdomen of a situational nature passes after taking medications to improve intestinal peristalsis - lactobacilli and enzymes. If this does not happen, you should consider visiting a doctor.

Medical causes of heaviness in the upper abdomen

Severity in the abdomen and nausea may have other causes. First of all it is:

An accurate diagnosis can be made only by a doctor, but usually each of these diseases shows additional symptoms. This may be general weakness or constipation, or it may be fever and fever. Treat your health carefully and remember that the food should be healthy and regular. A balanced diet not only prevents gastrointestinal disease, but also cures most of them.