How do ultrasound of the intestine?

The ultrasound of the intestine is slightly different from the ultrasound examination of other organs, since the intestine is hollow. At the same time, the analysis of this body is a more difficult procedure, which requires proper preparation for it, both from the doctor and the patient. Ultrasound of the intestine has its testimony to the conduct and instruction for preparation.

Indications for ultrasound of the intestine

Not all patients are examined. The procedure is not always justified, therefore, the doctor in each case decides whether to do an intestinal ultrasound. To dispel some doubts the patient also needs to know about the indications for the procedure:

How to prepare for ultrasound of the intestine?

If you suddenly think about whether you can do an intestinal ultrasound without preparation, then accept a negative answer. The preparation process consists of several stages. First of all, you should know that three days before the date of the procedure you must follow a strict diet, that is, eat only the following products:

As drinks it is recommended to use only not strong tea and mineral water without gas. Also important is the regime - eating is often and in small portions. In this case, the doctor can prescribe medications that are taken during meals, among them may be:

The purpose of the medication depends on the one having an indication for ultrasound.

In the evening, on the eve of the procedure, you should not eat after 6 pm, even if ultrasound is scheduled for you in the afternoon. It is also not recommended to "stuff" the stomach from 17.00 to 17.30, as after the dinner it is necessary to clean the intestines. This can be done in several ways:

  1. Cleansing enema. To do this, use two liters of cool water. It is advisable to repeat the procedure twice, but keep in mind that from the time of the last enema should be at least 12 hours before the beginning of ultrasound.
  2. The medicine of Fortrans. In the absence of contraindications, in the form of heart failure, suspicion or confirmation of intestinal carcinoma, ulcerative colitis, Crohn's disease, you can take a laxative drug, but this method is suitable only for young women, since older women can hardly tolerate frequent trips to the toilet.

On the day of the study, you will need to limit yourself in smoking, food and beverages. Two hours before ultrasound, you can not suck candy and chew gum.

How does the intestinal ultrasound?

Every woman who goes to this study, probably thinking about how to check the intestines on ultrasound. For this, the patient lies on his back, and the doctor applies a gel to the area under investigation. Therefore, it is necessary to have napkins with you in order to carefully remove the gel from the skin after the procedure. When researching a specialist Looks at the screen, where he sees the results of scanning the organ. Here's how the ultrasound of the intestine is done in a way that is called transabdominal.

The second method is the endorektalny. With it, the intestinal scan is performed by inserting the sensor into the rectum itself. The sensor has a modest size, so the procedure is painless, but a small discomfort, unfortunately, can not be avoided.

Where to make ultrasound of the intestine?

Ultrasound of the intestine can be done both in private and in public clinics. There is absolutely no difference in this. That's only in a private medical institution the price for research can be an order of magnitude higher.