Treatment of adenoids folk remedies

Adenoids are familiar not by hearsay to many. After all, children, because of the immaturity of their immune system, often become a target for viruses and bacteria that cause colds. Having cured the disease, mothers immediately rush to return the child to a school or kindergarten, full of infection.

Treatment of adenoids at home

In order to completely get rid of the problem, you must have patience, because the treatment of adenoids with folk remedies requires time and effort. The main rule - before burying the nose with various means, it must be completely cleared.

For this, salt water, prepared at the rate of 1 tsp, is used. salt on a glass of water. Here you can add a drop of iodine or a spoonful of honey, but you need to know that this will make the solution even more unpleasant for a young child. Older children who agree to treatment procedures can sniff this water and spit it out. Kids who find it difficult to do this are washed with a syringe or a large syringe, throwing their heads on their sides.

Folk treatment of adenoids in children

Folk remedies include the use of various medicinal plants, but you need to do it with care, because there may be an allergic reaction. Here are the most popular drugs used for folk treatment of adenoids:

  1. Sea-buckthorn oil is digested three times a day for 2-3 drops after cleansing the nose.
  2. Honey with beet juice is mixed in a 1: 2 ratio and digested for two or three weeks, four times a day for 5 drops.
  3. Well treated adenoids aloe juice - 1-2 drops, 3 times a day.
  4. Eucalyptus leaf, birch leaf, chamomile - make infusion and instill 3 drops into each nostril.
  5. 1 drop of celandine with 60 drops of water (after all the juice is poisonous), and drip one drop every morning.
  6. Chewing cherry resin and inclusion in the diet of goat milk. Such folk methods of treatment of adenoids are a bit unusual, but they give a good effect.
  7. If there is no allergy to aroma oils, then sunflower, olive or corn oil is added with oil of thuja, tea tree. With the help of such a composition, the inflammatory process is removed.