Bacteria in the urine of a child

Often the reason for the excitement of mothers is the delivery of tests in the child. Their results should be treated with all seriousness. It must be remembered that in a healthy state, the child's urine should not contain bacteria, fungi and parasites. The norm of bacteria in the urine of a child is not more than 105 per 1 mm of urine.

What to do if bacteria are found in the analysis of urine of your baby? This condition is called bacteriuria and may indicate an infection of the urinary organs (urethritis, cystitis, pyelonephritis and others).

Bacteria in urine - causes

1. Often the presence of bacteria in the urine can be explained by incorrectly collected analyzes. In such cases, a reanalysis is necessary to ensure that it is accurate.

Collection of urine should be carried out only in a sterilized dry vessel (jar, special container). Preliminarily warm boiled water rinse the baby's external genitalia (in the direction of the anus) and wipe with a clean dry napkin. The collection of morning urine (the first urination after sleep) is carried out as follows: the first portion-in the toilet, the second in a clean vessel. To carry the analysis to the laboratory is desirable within 2 hours after collection.

2. If the tests are still confirmed, it is necessary to find out the nature of the origin of bacteria. There are two main ways of getting bacteria into the children's body:

So, many bacteria can get into the urine from the large intestine. Bacteria move from the anus to the urethra and, rising up to the bladder, spread further. Bacteria can form in the urine and infectious damage to the kidneys.

3. The cause may be medical procedures (non-sterile devices, improper installation of the catheter).

4. Particularly considerate should be the parents of girls, they have such a problem can arise because of non-observance of personal hygiene.

Bacteria in urine - symptoms

Usually, bacteriuria is accompanied by marked signs, but sometimes asymptomatic course of the disease is possible. The appearance of bacteria in the urine of a child can be accompanied by frequent, and often painful (colic, burning) urination with pain in the lower abdomen and urinary incontinence. Sometimes there is a sharp unpleasant odor, an admixture of blood and mucus in the urine. The color of urine becomes cloudy or acquires a whitish hue.

If, in addition to the urethra, the infection has spread to the kidneys, the body temperature rises. There may be vomiting, nausea and pain in the lumbar part of the back.

The child becomes irritable and capricious, the appetite falls. On the genitals may appear redness and itching.

What are the dangerous bacteria in the urine?

Depending on the results of the analysis (the number of bacteria) and the nature of the development of bacteria, the child may develop the following diseases:

Bacteria in urine - treatment

First of all, it is necessary to undergo a detailed examination to discover the nature and cause of bacteriuria. Also, the resistance of bacteria to this or that antibiotic is revealed experimentally.

Treatment is aimed at eliminating the focus of the disease and improving the process of urination. Usually, antibiotics, nitrofurans and sulfonamide preparations are prescribed.

Also improve the condition will help decoctions of parsley, birch leaves, juniper fruits and other herbs.

To prevent the emergence of bacteriuria, it is necessary to observe the child's personal hygiene, and in case of any suspicion, immediately consult a doctor. The delivery of tests is not just a whim of doctors, but a way to protect your child from dangerous diseases. If you find dubious microorganisms during the examination, repeat the analysis.