Kim Cattrall told about her attitude to the age roles in the cinema

60-year-old Hollywood actress Kim Cattrall, who was especially fond of her fans due to the role of Samantha in the series "Sex and the City", visited the Victoria Derbyshire show. She talked about the problems that the women of her age group face at the Dream Factory and shared her thoughts about discrimination and ageism.

Kim admitted that she regularly rejects the suggestions of her agent, since she is offered roles not suitable for internal maintenance. Because of this, the star ventured to work as an executive producer, to this she was pushed by a deficit of good age roles for the actress of her temperament and abilities.

Ms. Cattrall said that she was not attracted to the role of grotesque old women who feel that 60 years is a deeply advanced age:

"You see, I'm not that kind! 60 years in the days of our parents and now - these are two completely different states. I had to work actively on myself, on psychology and physical condition to achieve this attitude to my age. "

To itself the producer

Because of the extremely weak choice of roles in Hollywood, the actress simply has to try herself as a producer. Her first project in this status is "Sensitive Skin".

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She admitted that it was thanks to her work on "Sex and the City" that she was able to reconsider her attitude towards age:

"When we started, I was already 40 years old. It was difficult for me, because I felt old for all these sexual things. I did not think that this role would "submit" to me. But I was wrong. Samantha changed me, her charisma destroyed age stereotypes in my mind. "