Godetia - growing out of seeds, when planting seeds - advice to beginning gardeners

On the flowerbeds of many gardeners you can meet a refined state. Its huge flowers with silky petals amaze with an abundance of the most delicate colors from pink-salmon to dark-red. For those flower growers who are not yet familiar with such a plant as godet, growing out of seeds, when planting and how to provide care for the flower, we will tell you now.

Godetsiya - landing and care

The homeland of the state is considered to be solar California. However, the cultivation of this plant is possible in other localities. It blooms all summer and autumn. The bush of the goddess grows to 50-65 cm. Its smooth or branched stems can even spread along the ground. The diameter of flowers with terry or smooth petals varies from 7 to 10 cm. The state reproduces with seeds, and its cultivation can occur both in the open ground and in the greenhouse.

If you want to admire the early flowering, then you should know some features of planting the flower and care for it. Godecia grows well on sunny or slightly shaded areas. It is better if the soil for cultivation of this plant will have a neutral acidity, since the alkaline environment does not tolerate at all. In order to neutralize it, urea or peat should be added to the soil and then the seeds can be planted.

Godetia - growing out of seeds

The sowing material of the state can retain its properties for 3 years. Before starting growing, the seeds must be decontaminated - soak in a slightly pink solution of potassium permanganate for 30 minutes. The seeds of this plant are very small, therefore, before planting, you can mix them with sand. For the cultivation of flowers from the seed from seed to seedling, a substrate is used that will consist of peat, garden soil and sand in equal quantities. The container must be disinfected, drainage must necessarily be laid on the bottom, and a layer of soil on top. Pour the soil and then you can plant the seeds.

Planting gedetciya seeds on seedlings

Do you want to learn how to plant the seeds of the godets? In a container with moistened soil, you need to make shallow grooves. Evenly having spread out the seeds in them, we pour it over the substrate from above, not ramming them. For watering the crops, it is better to use a spray at first so that the seeds do not wash out of the soil. On top of the pot must be covered with a film or glass and put in a bright and warm place. Periodically, the container should be opened, airing and watering, if necessary, crops. After the appearance of the growths, we remove the coating from the container.

When to plant a year of seedlings?

If you are interested in planting seedlings on seedlings, then you should know that from the sowing of seeds to the beginning of flowering, 80-90 days must pass, so the optimal time for starting the cultivation of the year from seeds is the first days of March. The seedlings will be planted in two weeks, and the year will blossom in June. For the cultivation of seedlings it is convenient to use peat pots. The emergence of seedlings should be fed with mineral fertilizer every 10 days. Watering the seedlings should be regular and do not allow the soil to dry out.

Godetzia - why wilted shoots?

Any florist will be useful information about the flower godetsiya: growing out of seeds, when it is better to plant, how to water and protect from disease. It often happens that the shoots of the year begin to wither. This can happen in such cases:

  1. Seedlings are infected with a black leg - a dangerous fungal disease. As a preventive measure, plants should be planted in a sterile soil mixture with low acidity.
  2. Plants suffer from drought. This can happen if instead of full-fledged irrigation apply only spraying, which only wets the top layer of the soil, but does not receive moisture to the roots.
  3. Surplus of water. Seedlings could be poured, and the drainage hole was blocked at the same time. It is necessary to clean it or transplant the remaining healthy plants into a new container with fresh soil.
  4. Overflow of sprouts when keeping it in a cold room. Such unfavorable conditions for growing a plant can lead to a disease with root rot. The surviving sprouts must be urgently transplanted into a new container.

When to dive the year?

After the appearance of two leaves on the plant, the state is ready to dive . Before transplanting seedlings, it is necessary to disinfect the soil prepared for growing the flower and the pots. In one small container we transfer 2-3 plants. The central rootlet of the seedling should be shortened by about a quarter of its length. The picking of the year should be carried out very carefully, since this flower does not like transplanting, and its roots are very tender.

Godetsiya - landing and care in the open ground

In southern areas, you can plant the seeds of the year in the spring directly into the warmed-up soil or even under winter, as the shoots can withstand the air temperature to -5 ° C, and the soils - up to + 2 ° C. In this case, in the warm spring, the flowering of the state may begin earlier. Of the seeds sown in autumn, more hardened and frost-resistant plants grow. Prior to sowing the state in an open ground, the soil should be pre-heated. To do this, the site should be poured hot water, and then covered with black film for 3 days.

We fix the seeds of godemia in the earth to a depth of 5-6 cm and cover this place with any warming material. The grown plants are thinned, leaving an interval of 20 cm between them. The flower of the godess has a pleasant light aroma of vanilla. It does not wilt for 3 days, after that it must be removed. This method will stimulate the year of abundant flowering. We learned everything about the beautiful flower godetsiya, growing out of seeds, when to plant and how to care for it. And now even for an inexperienced grower, growing this bright beautiful flower on the site will bring pleasure.