Savoy cabbage - growing and grooming

In our gardens, it can not be found so often, but this is only the result of the erroneous opinion that the Savoy cabbage is very capricious in care and its application is not as wide as the usual white-headed cabbage. But in fact, planting and caring for Savoy cabbage is not much different, and there are a lot of useful qualities in it.

Cultivation of Savoy cabbage from seeds

  1. Pre-prepare the seeds. For this 15 minutes they are put in a bowl with hot water, the temperature is about 50 ° C. Then the seeds are dipped in cold water. The third stage of preparation is aging of the planting material in a solution with microelements about half a day. After these procedures, the seeds are kept in the refrigerator on the bottom shelf for another day.
  2. After preparation, we begin to plant seeds. The temperature in the room should not exceed 20 ° C, and after emergence it is reduced to 8 ° C. This is to prevent stretching of the shoots. Approximately nine days after the seeds germinate, you can start prikerovke. Suitable glasses about 6x6.
  3. When you see that the seedlings have taken root and become stronger, you can raise the daytime temperature to 18 ° C, and the night temperature to 12 ° C.
  4. As for irrigation, it is carried out as the land dries up in cups. Use only water at room temperature.
  5. When the seedlings have the first two real leaves, you can produce the first top dressing. In two liters, dilute a teaspoon of complex fertilizer, add a pill with microelements.

So, the first stage of growing Savoy cabbage from seeds is completed. It's time to plant the finished seedlings in the open ground. You can start working after the seedlings have reached the age of 50 days. By this time she will have up to six real sheets.

When growing and caring for Savoy cabbage, hardening is very important. For hardening, you can start about two to three weeks before disembarkation. During the day, glasses with seedlings are carried to a balcony or a greenhouse, where the air temperature is not higher than 5 ° C. At night, the seedlings are brought back into the heat. In parallel, a second fertilizing is carried out. Urea and sodium sulfate are used here. In a bucket of water, one tablespoon of each ingredient is bred.

As soon as there will be a week then the moment when it's time to plant savoy cabbage, watering is stopped and only on the day of disembarkation is watered abundantly. The landing is carried out to a depth of about two centimeters below the soil level. The distance between the seedlings should be 30-50 cm, and between the beds make a gap of up to 70 cm. Since autumn, when digging, it is necessary to introduce liming substances on the landing site. The best predecessors are grains, legumes and potatoes.

One of the secrets, how to grow Savoy cabbage, is an additional feeding of urea, wood ash and superphosphates. We do not forget to prune the seedlings the first week to help the seedlings adapt in a new place. In the future, the cultivation and care of Savoy cabbage is a timely watering every two days, loosening the soil at least once a week.

What does the Savoy cabbage look like?

Outwardly it is very similar to the usual white-headed . They are heads with very loose dark green leaves, their sizes are average. By the way, the useful substances in the Savoy is an order of magnitude greater than that of the cabbage we habitually own. But here for salting it will not work, but traditional and familiar to us dishes from it will turn out delicious.

How Savoy cabbage looks, depends on its variety. Some have lighter leaves, some have dense and small heads, others are much larger and almost airy. In our gardens, you can often find Savoy cabbage varieties of Viennese early, jubilee, vertigo and early gold.