15 psychological blocks that interfere with your happiness

Faced a problem or something did not work out? It's okay, because there is a very real justification for this: there was not enough time, I will not succeed, I'm scared. In fact, this is a bad habit with which it is necessary to fight.

Often people do not even suspect that they are themselves enemies. If you dig inside yourself, then you can find a huge number of blocks that, like shackles, do not allow to develop, reach new heights and live happily. Psychologists recommend more often to go against their beliefs.

1. It's too late

How many times have you thought that the moment was lost, so you just dropped your hands? In fact, until you try, you will not understand. Wanted to be an artist, and parents forced to study for a lawyer, do not think that the moment is lost, because it is never too late to realize yourself, most importantly, to want.

2. I do not want to upset my family

It is very difficult to live, catering to all, and what is most sad, in such situations, few people feel really happy. Life is one and it is very short, so please yourself that in old age there was something to remember and not regret about anything. Saying "no!" In some situations is very useful.

3. I do not have enough time

In order to cope with this justification, it is simply sensible to speculate. In 24 hours and they are the same for everyone, so somehow someone manages to remake a lot of things during this time, but you are not? Start a diary, where you can write down your daily schedule by the hour. Having learned to properly manage your own time, you can solve many problems.

4. I do not deserve this

Many people have such a unit, which is often formed in childhood. If you do not overcome it, then you will not be happy. All people are the same and everyone deserves happiness, just believe in yourself. It is necessary to learn worthily to take not only good, but also bad.

5. No one understands me

If other people do not understand your words and actions, then you do not explain well. All people are different, and everyone has their own way of thinking and thinking about the world around them, so learn to communicate your thoughts clearly and clearly.

6. There is no money for this

If you use such an excuse, then you know that problems in the financial sphere can not be avoided. Whatever one may say, the phrase that thoughts are material, really works. If a person constantly repeats, then there is no money, then he programs it himself. Therefore, change your thinking - and become rich.

7. I'm stupid

This justification is more typical of lazy people, because it is much easier to say that "I do not understand" than to try to understand everything. It's never too late to study, so read books, develop. Even superficial knowledge in different topics will no longer make you feel stupid and incapable of anything.

8. I'm not built for long-term relationships.

Yes, it is this phrase that many girls and guys calm themselves after another unsuccessful relationship. In such situations it is better to analyze why it did not happen, which caused the parting to eradicate the possible shortcomings and build new strong and long-term relationships.

9. Parents are to blame for everything

This is completely unfair, blaming others, and even more so the closest people, in their mistakes. Often you can hear how "losers" say that the parents sent them to study where they did not want to, insisted on moving and so on. Do not go so low, remember that everyone himself manages his life, because it's easier to blame someone than to admit to being insolvent.

10. Now is not the time.

Love to shift some decisions or deeds for the future is a favorite habit of a huge number of people. As a result, time can be missed, which clearly does not give happiness and positive emotions. Learn not to postpone for later, but do everything right now.

11. I'm not lucky

Hoping for fortune is stupid, because it is more of an accident, not a pattern, so life must be built on its own, solving problems, making choices, stumbling and climbing, because there is no other way to achieve success.

12. I'm not ready yet

People with such justification want to ask, but when will that turning point come, when will the readiness be 100% complete. In fact, all this is a fear of something new or unwillingness of anything to me in life. It's better to take a chance and understand what did not work out, than just not try.

13. Love me for who I am

Psychologists advise to love themselves, but often this has negative consequences. Yes, people have to put up with the shortcomings of others, but not in situations where they go beyond. In the power of each person to change, there would be a desire.

14. If no one has succeeded, then it is possible and not to try

You will be surprised, but in most cases this opinion is deceptive. Maybe you have an original mindset and offer an idea that has never occurred to anyone before. Know that many great discoveries were made by chance.

15. I'm scared

We have good news for you - you are a normal living person who has fears and especially before something new and unknown. In such a situation, it is important not to turn your fear into justification. Fighting fears allows you to move to a new level and become better.