Fight against phytophthora on tomatoes folk remedies

Phytophthora is the headache of all, without exception, dacha farmers growing tomatoes . The insidiousness of the disease in the cycle of infection. The source and its causative agent is even on the hairs of the tomato seeds, so it is easily transmitted to the next generation without your knowledge.

Methods to combat phytophthora on tomatoes

Every year gardeners lead a relentless struggle against phytophthora, developing all new recipes of folk ways. These inexpensive and simple, but well-working methods will help you in a righteous war for the harvest. The fight against phytophthora on tomatoes without chemistry fully justifies itself.

So, here are the popular folk ways of fighting with phytophthora on tomatoes:

  1. Spraying with garlic infusion . From him the spores of the fungus die. It is necessary to insist in 10 liters of water a glass of chopped garlic lobules along with young shoots during the day. Then strain the infusion and add 2 grams of potassium permanganate. Spray should be twice: before the formation of the ovaries and again after 10 days.
  2. Spraying with saline . Dissolve in a bucket of water 1 cup of table salt and sprinkle the garden bed with tomatoes. Salt settles on the leaves and will play the role of a protective film from getting the infection through the stomata. But remember that this method is preventive, not curative.
  3. Spraying with kefir solution . In a bucket of water, you need to dissolve 1 liter of kefir , allow it to ferment for 24 hours, and then spray. This should be done weekly, and the first spraying should be done 1-2 weeks after planting the seedlings in the soil. The method also applies to preventive.
  4. Spraying with an ash infusion . It takes a half-bucket of ashes on a bucket of water. Permanent for 3 days, the mixture should be brought to a volume of 30 liters and then add 30 grams of liquid or household soap. Spraying is carried out three times per season: after the seedlings are planted, before flowering and after the appearance of the first ovaries.
  5. Spraying with a mixture of milk and iodine . A bucket of water will need 1 liter of low-fat milk and 20 drops of iodine. Spraying with this antimicrobial composition not only relieves the disease, but also accelerates the ripening of the fruit.
  6. Sprinkle with milk whey . The fight against phytophthora on tomatoes with serum should be done regularly, almost every day, starting from the first of July. To do this, sour milk whey must be mixed with water in equal proportions.
  7. Puncturing with copper wire . The German scientist proposed tomatoes to fight the fungal diseases when planting seedlings in the soil and wrap up the roots with copper wire. The method is quite effective. However, our compatriots somewhat modified it, piercing a copper wire stalk of a tomato. Preliminary, the wire must be calcined and cut into pieces of 3-4 cm. Punctures should be done 10 centimeters from the soil, after which the wire to be turned down ends down. This can be done only when the stems of tomatoes are strong enough. The action of copper stabilizes the level of chlorophyll, stimulates the breathing of plants, strengthening oxidative processes, as a result of which the plant becomes stronger and resistant to various infections.

The fight against phytophthora on tomatoes in the open ground by folk remedies should include such preventive measures: