Pepper baked in the oven

In the season of Bulgarian pepper it is necessary to try it in the baked form. The appetizer of the Bulgarian pepper , baked in the oven, turns out beautiful, bright and very appetizing. Recipes for baked pepper tell you below.

Baked pepper in the oven



Bulgarian pepper and dry it well, add it to the grate (baking sheet) and send it to bake in preheated oven to 260 degrees. After about 40 minutes, the skin of the pepper will darken, then you can pull it out of the oven. Pepper turns ugly kind (it should be so). Fold it in a saucepan and cover with a lid, leave to stand for 2 hours. After that, take the peppers and clean them of the black charred peel and seeds.

Peel the Bulgarian peppers in a bowl. For filling, we prepare lemon, garlic, greens, salt and pepper (better freshly ground). After that, peppers lay out on the dish in which we will serve them to the table. Put salt pepper, pepper, pour lemon juice, olive oil, sprinkle finely chopped garlic and chopped herbs. Cover the dish with food film and put it in the refrigerator for several hours. During this time our pepper will be soaked with dressing. We serve to the table.

Baked Bulgarian pepper in a microwave oven



Cut the pepper into four equal parts, if the pepper is not large cut into two parts.

Tails and seeds are thrown away. We put it on a plate and spread each slice with homemade mayonnaise . Top with a little seasoning. We put in the microwave for five minutes. After stopping the microwave oven, take out the plate of peppers and let it brew for five minutes.

Pepper baked with cheese



Onions finely chopped. In a hot frying pan mix in equal parts cream and sunflower oil. We pour the onion and fry it on high heat stirring for a couple of minutes, then make less fire and leave the onion for 40 minutes. Remove the frying pan from the heat and leave the onion to cool. It should not be roasted. Blanch the tomato, remove the peel and seeds from it, cut into cubes. Very finely chop the greens. Pepper is cut into two halves, we remove the entrails from it.

In a bowl we knead the cheese. Add to it fried onions, tomato, greens, yolk, freshly ground pepper. We try for salt. We cover the baking tray with baking paper. Halves of peppers fill with filling. Put our stuffed peppers on a baking sheet, sprinkle with bread crumbs. We put the pan in the preheated oven. Bake our peppers for 35 minutes at a temperature of 160 degrees. After the end of cooking, take the pepper from the oven, let them cool down a bit and serve it to the table.

Baked sweet pepper



Pepper is cut along into two equal parts, we remove the seeds and septa, we do not cut out the petioles. Spread halves of pepper in a baking dish, oiled. Tomatoes are scalded with boiling water and peeled, cut into slices. We cut olives into four parts, each one, we cut garlic with plates, chop the greens. Spread tomatoes, garlic, olives and greens in peppers, pepper, salt and pour olive oil (1 tablespoon per pepper). Bake in the oven for 45 minutes at 180 degrees.