The smell of sweat and disease

Sweat is a fluid produced by sweat glands to maintain normal body temperature. The person sweats constantly, but with different intensity, and the moisture removed through the pores, evaporating, helps to cool the body. Sweat has a complex chemical composition, in which, in addition to water, there are nitrogenous substances, volatile fatty acids, cholesterol, glucose, hormones, histamine, ions of potassium, sodium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, etc.

What determines the smell of sweat?

Normally, the smell of freshly sweat, a healthy person who adheres to the right lifestyle and a rational diet, is virtually indistinguishable. A pronounced smell may appear after a while. This is due to the fact that the moist environment is a favorable environment for the active reproduction of bacteria living on the skin. And it is because of their vital activity that chemical compounds are formed that exude a specific smell.

The smell of sweat is directly influenced by food (especially spices, onions, garlic), medications taken (for example, containing sulfur). Also important is the state of health. To guard a person who regularly takes a shower and observes the rules of hygiene, there must be a constantly present, unpleasant and unusual smell of sweat, which can signal illness.

What does the smell of sweat say?

Here are some characteristic signs that there are problems in the body:

  1. Sweat with the smell of ammonia or urine may indicate a urinary system or liver problems. Such a smell often signals the infection of a human Helicobacter pylori, the development of which causes peptic ulcer. Also, ammonia odor can appear with an abundance of proteins in the diet.
  2. Sour, acetic sweat smell can act as a symptom of an infectious inflammatory process in the bronchi or in the lungs, as well as about the development tuberculosis . Also, failures of the endocrine system are possible.
  3. With the smell of perspiration, like cat's urine, there is reason to suspect violations of protein metabolism. Sometimes such a smell of sweat appears with hormonal failures.
  4. If the sweat smells of acetone, the cause may be an increase in blood sugar.
  5. Hydrogen sulfide odor of sweat is often observed in digestive disorders.
  6. Sweat with the smell of fish can testify about trimethylaminuria - a rare genetic disease.
  7. Sweet or honey sweat smell occurs with diphtheria and pseudomonas infection in the body.