Crushed in the chest

Unpleasant sensations in the chest area manifest many diseases - ranging from cardiovascular diseases, and ending with problems with the musculoskeletal system. Let's try to systematize the symptoms and indicate which doctor should be consulted when you are pinched in the chest.

What can cause a pressing pain in the chest?

Usually the pain behind the breastbone is first of all attributed to problems with the heart, and not for nothing. The feeling that something is pressing in the chest in the middle, often manifests itself during stress, experiences, high physical exertion. The reasons for squeezing the chest can be several:

As you can see, not all of these diseases are cardiac, but it is in the case when the pressure in the chest area is suppressed due to malfunctions in the heart and blood vessels, the threat to life is the highest. Therefore, it is very important to quickly recognize the disease and seek medical help from a doctor. Here are the main signs of a heart attack and an aneurysm:

  1. The pain started after or during a strong emotional shock or physical strain;
  2. The pain is localized in the upper part of the sternum, or there is a feeling that it presses in the chest to the left.
  3. Appearance of dyspnea, sudden pressure surges changes in complexion.
  4. The pain does not stop longer than 15 minutes, painkillers do not help.
  5. If the chest is squeezed and hard to breathe, a cough with blood appears, pains increase with breathing, these are symptoms of pulmonary embolism. The thrombus blocked the pulmonary artery, the account goes for a second - emergency medical care is vital.

Why presses in the chest because of problems with the spine?

If the pains are of a regular nature, from time to time they subside and intensify during physical activity, most likely the problem is in osteochondrosis or other diseases of the spine.

After the cardiologist has conducted all necessary examinations and excluded heart diseases, you can go to the surgeon and traumatologist to examine the musculoskeletal system. Osteochondrosis in the initial stage can be discerned even on the x-ray, but much more detailed information is provided by the MRI and CT of the thorax. Degenerative changes in the intervertebral discs lead to their destruction, there may be a protusion and even a hernia, which very often jams the nerve roots. This is the main cause of discomfort in the sternum, it can cause and difficulty breathing.

Timely treatment will completely relieve you of this problem, the main thing is to maintain a good physical shape, normal weight and at the same time not to abuse the sport in order to exclude the possibility of injury.

Other options

Often pressures in the chest area due to digestive problems, especially painful symptoms of pancreatitis . This disease is often confused with heart problems, but if the diagnosis is established on time, it is quite easy to cope with it even without medications. In order to feel relief, first of all you should follow a diet. Completely exclude the following products:

The basis of the diet should be porridge, soups, boiled vegetables, lean boiled meat, fish. Try to avoid intense physical work, running. The very next day the pain in the chest will go away, but this does not mean that you should return to the usual way of life. Diet number 5 patients with pancreatitis and cholecystitis is shown throughout life.