Dry food for dogs Belkando

Choosing the right dog food is a very serious and painstaking business. After all, from what your pet eats, his health and longevity directly depends. In this case, many factors are taken into account: age, weight, breed and even the temperament of the pet. However, in the modern market, you can find many kinds of dry feeds that include low quality raw materials and a bunch of unnecessary, harmful additives, which does not bring any benefit to the animal.

Therefore, most owners prefer to buy food for their pets from trusted producers. One of such products is dog food for Belkando. This is exactly the version of the ideal food that is welcomed by many dog ​​breeders and breeders in the world. It contains everything that the animal's body needs at all stages of its life, thanks to which it has won enviable popularity among many other brands. For more information about this product, see our article.

Dog food Belkando - characteristics

Proceeding from the fact that the producing country of this type of feed is Germany, the idea of ​​a decent quality of the product is already being suggested. Indeed, Belkando is a dry food for dogs, which belongs to the category of super-premium products, containing only natural fresh meat and ingredients of plant origin. In the recipe there is no soybean, flavors, by-products, GMOs and other poor-quality raw materials.

Products that are part of the Belkando dog food are very carefully processed in the production, where maximum quality control is maintained. Thus, all vitamins and nutrients retain their properties. As a result, the pet receives a large amount of natural indispensable animal protein and other useful substances that are easily absorbed by the body. One daily portion of feed enough to your pet is full for a whole day.

In addition, Belkando dog food contains ingredients such as rye, wheat, eggs, dairy products, medicinal herbs. They help to strengthen the immunity of the animal and normalize its metabolism. The source of carbohydrates in this case is a special culture called amaranth, thanks to which the pet draws energy for its daily feats.

The assortment of dry food for dogs Belkando, pleasantly pleases its diversity. Manufacturers offer a wide selection of products that are ideally matched for puppies, adults and elderly dogs, pets with passive or active behavior, large and small breeds and even for individuals with allergies.

Due to the high quality, balanced composition of vitamins and minerals and complete harmlessness, dry food for Belkando dogs is an excellent alternative to mother's milk for small puppies. With their help, it is possible to transfer the baby to a more "adult" diet without pain.

For an actively growing organism, there are mixtures consisting of 70% pure meat, to strengthen the musculature and skeleton.

An animal with an active life is suitable for dry food for dogs Belkando consisting of 80% of meat, including fats, which are quickly absorbed and digested by the body, protein, useful amino acids, flax seeds (saturate the body with fatty acids), yucca extract (prevents inflammation) and ossicles grapes (from an unpleasant smell).

For dogs "at the age of" or allergy sufferers, fodder based on mutton meat, rice and oats is suitable. Due to the content of lecithin, linoleic acid, flax seeds and yeast all types of dry food for dogs Belkando provide pets with skin health and silky shine of wool.