Epilepsy in dogs - symptoms

Epilepsy is a terrible disease, the terrible seizures of which begin very suddenly and end as suddenly. Fortunately this is not often found, but there are cases. That is why the master needs to be able to distinguish in time the signs of epilepsy in his dog. In some cases, they can be confused with other diseases. You need to take the situation seriously, because sometimes veterinarians offer to lull a pet.

Types of epilepsy and signs of approaching an attack

First, let's look at the types of epilepsy. It can be of two types: primary and secondary. Primary epilepsy is epilepsy, which is also called congenital. It is transmitted genetically and for the first time can manifest itself as early as 6 months. Secondary epilepsy does not depend on heredity and is usually caused by a variety of causes from metabolic to traumatic.

While the dog did not have the first attack, it is difficult to distinguish the symptoms of his approach. However, after once it is difficult to establish the symptoms of the approach of the second. Often the first sign of epilepsy is the depressed state of the dog. This phase can occur a few days before the attack, and maybe in a few hours. At the end of this phase, as a rule, the attack itself occurs. In all, it can happen in different ways. In some animals, it affects the entire body, some have only a snout, and some have only certain limbs. At the end of the seizures , a relaxation phase begins, followed by a depressive devastation that can last from a few hours to several days. In some animals, seizures are often observed - several times a day, others quite rarely - several times in their entire life. The best thing you can do for your pet is to watch it regularly with a veterinarian. Cure such a disease is not possible, but you can alleviate it.