Soy sauce - good and bad

Soy sauce is the basic in Asian cuisine, a product of fermentation of soybeans. Manufacture of sauce began in China in the VIII century BC. e., from where it spread to the countries of Asia, and from the XVIII century and to Europe. According to the classical technology of preparation, beans and crushed grain are mixed with mushrooms of mold and give easy heating. Before the technological revolution, the sauce in the vats was exposed to the sun in the afternoon, the production took many months. After the sauce is boiled to kill microorganisms and mold, filtered and poured into containers for further storage. The use of soy sauce depends on following the technological norms of production. A quality product is stored without the addition of preservatives up to two years. There are Chinese, Japanese, Indonesian, Myanmar, Filipino, Singaporean, Taiwanese and Vietnamese recipes, all of them are similar to each other, but differ in flavor additives at different stages of production.

Useful properties of soy sauce

Soy sauce will contain many amino acids, minerals, vitamins A , C, E, K, a large number of B vitamins, manganese, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium. Nutritional value of 100 grams of sauce: proteins - 10 g, carbohydrates - 8,1 g, caloric content - 73 kcal. Soy sauce does not contain saturated fats and cholesterol. Slows down aging, reduces the amount of free radicals, a preventative against the development of cancer tumors. Soy products, including sauce, should be consumed by people with intolerance to animal protein, overweight and obesity, cholecystitis, constipation, arthritis and arthrosis, impaired blood pressure and circulation.

Contraindications and harm of soy sauce

Frequent consumption of soy by children leads to disruptions in the endocrine system, increases the risk of thyroid disease, in children under the age of three, can cause an allergic reaction. High sodium content (sauce is salty enough), can lead to impaired discharge, water retention, increased excitability and hyperactivity, a feeling of frequent intense thirst, excessive sweating, and frequent urination. Than useful soy sauce for women. Soy isoflavones, similar to the female sex hormones - estrogens, are useful for women, but the use of pregnant soy can damage the development of the fetal nervous system.

Soy sauce with slimming

Adding sauce to the salad will help replace a portion of the vegetable oil and reduce the total caloric value . Quality sauce promotes the absorption of useful substances, improves digestion. It is worth remembering that in two art. l. - The daily salt norm, it is recommended to use no more than 1 tbsp. l. sauce a day. Of great importance is the combination of products. The sauce will emphasize the taste of low-fat meat and fish dishes, cereals, vegetable salads and soups. Simultaneous use with sour-milk products can cause digestive upset.

How to choose soy sauce for the benefit of the body?

A quality product can not cost cheap. The price of a quality sauce exceeds the price of a chemical several times, this is due to the technology of cooking. Do not buy draft sauce, it is better to stop choosing on certified brands at proven points of sale. The sauce is sold in extremely transparent glass bottles, the content is transparent, has a dark brown color. The composition of the sauce includes only soy, cereals and salt. Additives Е200, Е220 and others also testify to the chemical way of manufacturing. An important criterion - the content of proteins, they should be at least 6 grams.

Remember that only high-quality soy sauce will benefit the body and do no harm!