Fast carbs after exercise

As you know, fast carbohydrates are not recommended to consume without urgent need. The level of glucose can also be provided by slow carbohydrates, without loading the pancreas, in contrast to the fast ones. And almost the only time when the consumption of fast carbohydrates is not only justified, but also necessary, is the time after training.

Sweet after exercise - is it useful?

On the face of the paradox, because many are trained to lose weight, but in this case, the consumption of fast carbohydrates after training, will not go to fatty deposits, but will play several important roles:

  1. Anabolic function is that when the blood sugar level rises, hormone insulin is released, and it in turn acts as anabolic.
  2. Replacing the energy spent, carbohydrates with high GI protect our muscles from the process of destruction, which the body goes to, to make up for lost energy for training.
  3. Consuming fast carbohydrates, fatty acids will dissolve faster after playing sports.

So, the lack of carbohydrates after a workout is called a carbohydrate window. It should be as soon as possible to eat something that contains fast carbohydrates. carbohydrates. This can be a banana, honey, soft pasta varieties, flour products, white rice. As for the amount, then, it depends on your sporting goals. For example, if you are aiming for weight gain, then you need to eat 2-3 times more than you need to satisfy hunger. Or take a sports nutrition with fast carbohydrates, designed specifically for mass gain.

And if you just do not want the beneficial effect of training to turn into a negative (catabolism of muscles), then eat just as much as you want. The organism itself will tell.


But this is not a complete description of the function of fast carbohydrates. Before training, you should also stock up glucose (see energy). During sports, digestion processes not only slow down, but also stop. Therefore, to consume fast carbohydrates before training, like proteins, costs at least two hours before it starts. They will help us to fill the carbohydrate supply that will serve us during the employment of the energy source, and also to protect from too rapid a process of destruction of the muscle tissue during the carbohydrate window.

Let's sum up: fast carbohydrates also turned out to be suitable for something. Moreover, they are responsible for a beautiful, well-proportioned figure, allowing you to build up, rather than self-destruct, the muscles. The ideal source of fast carbohydrates will be fruit juices, sweet fruits and dried fruits , flour, sugar, jam. It is the "carbohydrate window" that is the most suitable time for their consumption.