Where are the polyunsaturated fatty acids?

Many people who want to eat properly and therefore refrain from high-calorie food react to the word "fatty" unambiguously negatively. But if omega-3 is meant polyunsaturated fatty acids, then it can not be considered harmful. Without these substances, which are extremely necessary for the body, it is impossible to be healthy. Even those who are trying to lose weight, you can not give them up. Yes, it really is fats, but not simple, but useful. They protect the cells of the human body from premature wear and destruction, serve as a focus of energy resources, help synthesize other elements responsible for the composition of blood, the state of the nervous system, muscles, and skin. Eruption on the face, the appearance of acne and acne, hair loss and delamination of the nails, memory impairment, pressure jumps, joint pains, bowel problems are signs of a lack of polyunsaturated fatty acids, and where these substances are contained - it is useful to know everyone who cares about their health and intends to live a full life.

Where are the polyunsaturated fatty acids?

For normal life, a person should take such acids at least two times a week, the best option is to include these substances in the diet daily. Among products containing polyunsaturated fatty acids, some types of fish occupy a leading position: herring, mackerel , sardines, etc. Do not forget about the fish that are not liked by many since childhood. Today, this bioadditive is produced in a convenient form - in gelatin capsules without odor and taste, which is not at all unpleasant to swallow. Polyunsaturated fatty acids are also present in large quantities in other products: chicken eggs, red meat, seafood. They are also in vegetarian food: nuts, soybeans, pumpkin, leaf greens, vegetable oil.