What is more harmful than beer or vodka?

Beer and vodka are perhaps the two most popular beverages in the territory of the post-Soviet space. Of course, not a single alcoholic beverage can be considered harmless, but in general they can be compared to find out in which case the organism will not suffer so much. From this article you will learn what is worse - vodka or beer.

Caloric content of vodka and beer

The energy value of ordinary light beer averages about 40-50 kcal per 100 g. This is an average figure, and it can vary depending on the variety. The usual "dose" of beer is 500 ml, i.e. in the standard portion of the drink contains 200-250 kcal. However, it should be taken into account that many people drink beer 2 or even 3 liters, and this is caloric content , comparable to the daily diet.

The energy value of 100 grams of vodka averages 240 kcal. Taking into account that the standard portion of vodka is 50 ml, the calorie content of one "dose" of vodka will be 120 kcal. Having drunk 4-6 glasses of vodka, a person also gets quite a lot of empty calories with which one has to cope with an alcohol-poisoned organism.

Which is more harmful: beer or vodka?

To determine what to drink - vodka or beer, you can compare the positive and negative sides of both drinks.

So, let's consider the facts in favor of beer:

However, modern beer has many negative aspects:

As you can see from this list, beer is by no means the best option. Like all alcoholic beverages, it has more negative aspects, rather than positive ones.

Consider the facts that speak for vodka:

Vodka, however, has significant disadvantages:

To summarize, bottled beer and cheap vodka are equally destructive for the liver, kidneys, pancreas and the whole body. Only expensive, quality drinks, taken in minimum quantities, will not cause serious harm to your body.