Chips Composition

Today, perhaps, everyone at least once tried chips. For beer lovers, this product is one of the most popular snacks, but for children, chips are one of your favorite treats, although parents do not approve of this choice. Using this product, most people do not even think about what is included in the chips, but in vain, because scientists have long been alarmed that the use of chips can adversely affect human health.

Chips Composition

Many people are sure that this product is made from potatoes, but today there are almost no chips that would make from this root. As a rule, potatoes are replaced with potato, wheat and corn flour, special flakes and various mixtures of starch, the most popular of which is soybean starch, and it is from genetically modified ones. In the chemical composition of chips practically no vitamins and other useful components are found, but this "delicacy" abounds with various carcinogens, dyes, fragrances, etc.

One of the most dangerous additives is acrylamide, this substance disrupts the work of the nervous system and can provoke the development of cancerous tumors. Also in the production of chips often use a flavor supplement of sodium glutamate, which adversely affects the state of human health. This taste enhancer can lead to a malfunction in the work of virtually all body systems, besides, it contributes to the accumulation of excess kilograms. If we take into account the fact that the energy value of chips is more than 510 kcal per 100 g, then we can say with certainty that daily consumption of this very popular product can cause obesity and other very dangerous diseases that practically can not be treated.