Olive oil is a good

"Solar product", "liquid gold", "elixir of longevity" ... All these names carry the aroma of olive oil. And indeed, his magical qualities can not be counted. Olive oil is an indispensable tool in the treatment of various gastrointestinal diseases, is widely used in cosmetology and is considered an excellent means for losing weight. If you follow the rules of healthy eating , then olive oil will become a favorite product in your kitchen.

Properties of olive oil

The benefits of olive oil are hard to overestimate. In the last century, medicine wondered: why the population of the Mediterranean countries are less affected by cancer, live longer and do not suffer from obesity. The clue is that olive oil is the main source of fats for them for many generations. It is daily eaten, seasoned with soups and salads. The secret of medicinal properties - in the content of monounsaturated fats in it, which reduce the level of "bad" cholesterol. Olive oil does not carry harmful substances into the body and effectively fights with already acquired plaques. The following useful properties are known to medicine:

The main methods of reception:

  1. To cleanse the body of toxins use 1 tbsp. mouthwashes. Rinse the mouth cavity for 15 minutes, then spit out the mixture.
  2. If you want to use olive oil as a laxative , take 1 tsp every day on an empty stomach. oil and drink it with water with a few drops of freshly squeezed lemon juice.
  3. If you intend to use oil for constipation, prepare a cleansing enema (in 1 glass of warm water, dilute 4-5 tsp of butter and egg yolk).
  4. With gastritis, olive oil should be consumed daily (1-2 tablespoons per day). Fill it with salads, add already ready-to-eat buckwheat, pasta, potatoes, eat with bread.

Olive oil for weight loss

If you are worried about extra pounds, and you already realized that debilitating fasting diets not only do not help, but also do harm, then stock up the miracle with a slimming remedy - olive oil. A teaspoon on an empty stomach every morning 30 minutes before a meal will purify the body of toxins, will moderate the feeling of hunger and help to saturate with less food. The thing is that olive oil is 100% absorbed in the body and, despite its high fat content, is not stored in excess fat. Also, scientists have proved that unsaturated fatty acids, which are contained in olive oil, give the brain a signal about the rapid saturation of the body, as a result of which we stop eating large portions. The main use oil regularly and do not forget that overdoing should not be.

How to choose to store olive oil?

The best is considered an extra-class oil, not filtered (look for the label Extra virgin unfiltered), or extra-class filtered (Extra virgin olive oil). Its acidity should not exceed 1%. If the bottles are labeled "Bio" or "Organik", then the olives were collected on plantations intended for the cultivation of olive fruits, and the oil is made according to all strict rules. This is a quality product without GMOs and harmful additives. Store olive oil at room temperature, in glass darkened dishes, away from foods that have a pungent odor.