What does the herd of horses look like?

Different dream books about what the herd of horses are dreaming about, they say a little differently. But in a general sense, such dreams are treated as positive. They mean that a person is under the reliable protection of the Higher Powers. If, moreover, it was a herd of white horses, then the dream promises great joy, if black is profit, gray is the recognition of others, glory. If this is some kind of incomprehensible or nonexistent suit, then such a dream can be an omen of not the most pleasant events.

Also an important detail is the behavior of animals. Peacefully grazing herd - stability in business, respect and honor among colleagues. If the animals are somewhat alarmed, behave aggressively and try to attack - be careful, secret intrigues are woven against you.

Why dream of a herd of running horses?

Fairly often there are dreams about running horses. If you see in a dream that there is a numerous herd on your right that is threatening to trample you, do not be afraid. Such a dream can mean that you will soon be "crushed" by big money or some other material wealth. However, such a dream can also portend a career failure. If you managed to safely avoid a collision with the herd of running horses, then, in reality, you will be able to avoid some serious trouble.

What does the herd of horses look like to a man?

Representatives of the stronger sex dream about horses may herald a change in career. If the herd runs somewhere very close, then, very soon you will have the chance to show yourselves in the best possible way. If you observe the herd from afar - you still have a long way to go to the desired high office.

What does the herd of horses look like to a woman?

Fine ladies should be pleased if they saw a herd in the dream, where there are many small foals. This means that they will have a happy family life and many bright moments related to children.