How to make yourself respect?

Admit that in your life there were moments when your most cherished desire was "I want to be respected". Everyone is worthy of being respected by others, regardless of his social status, age and appearance. But it is not easy for all people to be treated with special respect. For this reason, it is difficult for them to achieve their goals, their self-esteem goes down, and life gets a complete change of white bands to black.

Let's try to figure out how to make yourself respect what is necessary to do this and what is the reason for the lack of respect from both the beloved and others.

Some people, in order to gain respect from certain people, tend to please everyone and everyone by doing only what is expected of them, not realizing that they are losing their individuality. After all, strangely enough, they respect, in the first place, people who are self-sufficient personalities.

So, the first factor that influences the attitude of those around you, and which you should pay attention to is a change in your personal appearance. The main conditions for the society to accept you on an equal footing, if your image radiates conformity to the modern tastes of fashion, elegance, neatness. But do not forget that the clothes will look great on you, if you feel comfortable in it.

Secondly, do not forget about your posture. Straight posture and says that you are an independent and self-confident person.

Watch your gestures. They should give confidence, but not aggression.

Often, self-doubt is the reason why one can not understand how to make a beloved man and other people around you respect yourself.

Social psychologists identify the main causes, based on the emergence of their personal insecurities:

  1. Blame the whole upbringing. Unfortunately, even in childhood, some parents and teachers have reduced the child's ability to stand up for himself. Growing up, in such people there are no skills of self-defense, because of what they are exposed, albeit insignificant, but moral attacks from their surroundings.
  2. Lack of behavior. It also happens that a person does not know for himself how she should be, how she should behave comfortably in a certain situation. There is no certain individual style of behavior.
  3. Lack of practical skills. If a person does not manifest himself in practice to an adequate degree, then he does not give himself the opportunity to check how much he is confident in himself.

Respect from relatives

There are also life situations where a confident woman, husband ceases to respect, despite the fact that in front of others they are an example for imitation.

The answer to how to force a husband to respect himself, will come after a calm conversation between the spouses among themselves. It is possible that one of the partners, in this case, the wife, has ceased to invest its share in the development of family life and because of this has lost respect in the eyes husband.

Making both a husband and someone else can not be respected. It is necessary to understand that one must respect oneself. After all, the reason for the lack of respect for your loved ones is the loss of your individuality, you easily agree with the opinion of the majority, being afraid to defend your point of view. This may be your problem. Look at your behavior in the family from the outside, appreciate it objectively and answer the question yourself why men do not respect women.

Each man will pay special attention only to the woman who, above all, respects herself, not allowing any humiliation in her address.

In order to understand how to teach yourself to respect, realize that you are an individual, you have the right to your own opinion and a vital position, do not let someone humiliate you and then the respect of others will come to you by yourself.