Training of personal growth - exercises

Today, psychological training for personal growth is very popular. They are visited by businessmen, students, and in general, all who are interested in enhancing personal effectiveness. However, it is not always necessary to attend such events, especially since they are not cheap at all. You can also arrange for yourself a good training of professionally personal growth, if you have such a desire.

The goals and objectives of any personal growth training usually converge to help a person correct their self-esteem, to understand their pros and cons, to know the strengths and weaknesses, to tune in to achieve great results. However, it also happens that training does not work, and the consequences of personal growth trainings are not manifested. There may be several reasons: either the proposed exercises do not exactly fit you, or you have not focused enough on their implementation.

Consider effective exercises from the training of personal growth:

Exercise "I'm in the future"

Take an album sheet and, without regretting time and pencils, draw yourself in the future - such as you would like to see yourself. However, if you have a hard time drawing, you just have to write everything down. The most important thing is to clearly visualize and feel this future, as if it already happened or you were transferred to it.

Exercise "Self-presentation"

This exercise can only be done alone! Stand in front of a large mirror in a well-lit room and tell us about yourself, all your significant achievements and various events. In this case, you need to show the maximum number of emotions: joy, interest, surprise. Each of these emotions should be worked out separately. This usually takes about 10 minutes (not 2-3).

Exercise "Steps"

This exercise is especially useful at a young age, because at this time it is most important to decide on self-esteem. Draw on the paper a ladder, which is exactly 10 steps, and yourself on one of the steps of this ladder. Where did you find yourself? Only after you have completed this work, you can read the result: from 1-4 steps - you have a low self-esteem, with 5-7 - normal, with 8-10 - too high. Repeating this exercise, try not only to draw yourself on a good position, but also to feel it.

Exercise "What I'm lucky with"

For such an exercise, you will need a companion, but if you do not have one, you can do it yourself. This exercise will charge you with a positive and connect to constructive channels of thinking. If you two, tell each other one by one, when and in what you were lucky in life. If the companion is not - tell it to your reflection in the mirror. The more interesting facts you remember, the better for you.

Exercise "Inclusion of Positive Motivation"

This exercise is so simple that it can even be done right at the workplace. Relax, sit comfortably, cover your eyes. Think about it, and what makes your life unusual, interesting for you? What gives you joy? What people or phenomena affect your level of happiness? After 5-7 minutes you can get out of a pleasant relaxation and comprehend the images that came to your mind. For sure you will feel yourself in high spirits.

These simple 5 exercises need to be done from time to time, it is desirable - one of them perform daily. With this approach, you will be able to form a correct self-assessment, start thinking in a positive way, feel yourself a happier person and, in general, switch to constructive channels of thinking. The ray of all to concentrate on the exercises "I'm in the future" and "What I'm lucky with", they are the ones that set the favorable outcome of all actions.