Cake with apricot jam

A cake with apricot jam is a dessert that will never lose its relevance. Surely most of us had to try this delicacy in grandmother's kitchen, so let's try to recreate the atmosphere of childhood by making delicious apricot pies.

Apricot pie - recipe

Crispy pie from apricot jam on puff pastry is an excellent dessert to a cup of tea.


For the test:

For filling:


In a hill of sifted flour, we make a hollow into which we drive an egg, pour a glass of cold water and add a pinch of salt. We knead the dough and put it on the refrigerator for 30 minutes. After that, roll out to a thickness of 1 cm, lay out pieces of chilled butter, add the corners to the center, in the manner of the envelope, and roll out again as before. Repeat 5-6 times alternately cooling and rolling out the dough.

Ready puff dough spread on the oiled baking sheet, and the middle is filled with apricot jam. Bake in the oven at 180 degrees for 15-20 minutes.

Curd-apricot pie

A cake with apricot jam and cottage cheese is a unique recipe that connects two opposite textures: a tender and sweet filling borders on a dense sand test - an uniquely memorable combination.


For filling:


In this recipe, we will use the ready-made dough and will spend more energy on the preparation of the filling. So, in a separate dish we rub eggs, cottage cheese, sour cream and mango. We spread homogeneous weight on the rolled out dough a thin layer, and from above we cover with jam. The remains of the test are cut into strips and laid out with a mesh on top of the filling. Bake at 180 degrees for 30-35 minutes.