Lemon cake with meringue

Unusual sweet pastries are in demand, probably for everyone. Learn the recipes of lemon cake with meringue, cook and pamper your family and friends.

Cake with Lemon Kurd and Merengue



From water, margarine, salt and flour, make unsweetened short pastry. After a 30-minute cooling in the fridge, roll it out, place it in a mold, create the sides, pierce it in 7-10 places and cook in the oven for 20 minutes. Cool it down.

For the Kurd three lemons. The resulting peel is removed while away, and from the remaining fruit squeezes out the juice. It should be about 120 ml. In the saucepan combine milk, 80 g of sugar and heat. Yolks together with starch are ground and added to boiling sweet milk. Do not forget to stir to break all the lumps. We cook, waiting for the thickening. Pour in the juice, pour the zest and boil for another 12 minutes. The resulting homogeneous mass is cooled and mixed with butter.

We pour the Kurd on the cooled cake. Whisk the whites with the rest of the sugar and get a meringue. Spread it on top of the cream. It is better to do this with a confectionery bag to create a pattern. The collected cake is given to spend in the oven for another 5 minutes at a low temperature - 140-150 degrees, and then cool for at least 2-3 hours, but it is better all night in the refrigerator.

Cake with lemon cream and Italian meringue



In the bowl, send flour, 30 grams of sugar, 140 g of butter and 2 yolks. Hands rubbing everything, forming a dough. We roll it, put it in the mold, pierce it several times and put it in the refrigerator.

Mix the water with 140 g of sugar and put it on the fire. 2 protein whisk first at low speed, then, adding a pinch of salt to the medium. After boiling the syrup for 5 minutes, start pouring it with a thin trickle into the salty squirrels. Beat all the food for another 4 minutes.

From the lemon we get juice and mix it with 100 g of sugar and 2 eggs. Add literally 20 g of butter and cook until thick. If the cream will meet a few curled eggs, you can whip it with a blender.

After an hour we take out the form with the test, distribute the marmalade over it and put it in the oven for 25 minutes. After cooling, grease with lemon cream, draw a pattern of meringue and put in the oven for 2 minutes.