Mushroom cream soup

Cooking is an occupation that does not accept strict adherence to recipes. For example, there are many different options for cooking such dishes as mushroom soup cream. His classic recipe is the foundation, but nobody forbids adding, excluding any ingredients, or varying their amount in the recipe. Mushroom cream soup can be prepared with cheese or cream, instead of the standard mushrooms, you can use chanterelles or ceps, as well as mushroom assortment. Let's go directly to the method of preparing this simple and stunningly delicious dish and understand how to cook cream soup with mushroom. The main recipe is a mushroom cream soup made of champignons, the other variations are derived.

Recipe for mushroom cream soup

Ingredients for 4 servings:

To make mushroom cream soup from champignons finely chopped onions and grated mushrooms fry in butter for 10-15 minutes, covering the lid. Mushrooms can be passed through a meat grinder with a frequent grating, several hats can be cut into slices separately, fried and added to the finished dish as an ornament. After dressing (frying) the mushrooms with onions, add salt and pepper to taste, fill in the flour, and stirring constantly, to avoid the adhesion of flour to the bottom of the dishes, fry all this for a few more minutes. The flour can be fried and separately, until it acquires a light beige shade and the smell of a roasted nuts, and then added to the finished roast. Next, pour the roast with boiling water and carefully mix the mass with a whisk or a mixer until a uniform consistency is obtained. Add the milk and cook for another 10 minutes, after which we once again beat the ready mushroom cream soup. In general, it is advised to constantly stir and beat up the soup at each stage of its preparation in order to achieve consistency of the cream. Before serving, the dish is decorated with greens, pre-fried mushroom caps, or a slice of lemon.

Mushroom cream soup with cheese is prepared by the same technology, with the addition of grated cheese before pouring boiling water. Cheese can be, as well as fused, and hard, for example "Parmesan". Also, the cheese can be added to the mushroom cream soup in another way - just sprinkling it in the same grated form before serving. The only advice is that the cheese should be fragrant, so that its taste is felt in the dish, but try not to overdo it.

Mushroom cream soup with cream is identical in preparation. Cream can perfectly match with cheese, and exactly the same can be added, as well as before serving, and during cooking. But unlike cheese, warmed cream is added together with milk, or instead of it for ten minutes before readiness. Before serving, the cream is mixed with grated cheese and seasoned like ordinary soups with sour cream. As the design goes all the same hats mushrooms, lemon slices and chopped green.

If you depart a little from the classic recipes, you can cook not only cream soup, but also mushroom soup-puree - an even more tasty and nutritious dish. Differences in soup-mashed potatoes from soup-cream are few - thanks to the addition of legumes or vegetables, such as pumpkin, carrots, potatoes that contain high starch content, the mashed potatoes have a more granular consistency. Concerning our dish, the consistency of mashed potatoes is achieved in the following way: instead of the steep boiling water with which we pour frying of flour, mushrooms and onions, take a decoction of lentils, beans, beans, peas or vegetables. The boiled legumes and (or) vegetables are wiped through a sieve into a decoction, and they are poured into the decoction.

Having dealt with how to prepare a mushroom cream soup, let us turn to the question of its usefulness. In addition to vitamins, soup ingredients contain many useful substances. For example, onions contain phytoncides - substances that can prevent and combat colds of viral diseases, and in mushrooms there are beta-glucans that can support and restore the immune system, which plays an important role during Lent, when immunity is weakened in the spring. Only during the fasting period, the recipe for mushroom cream soup without cheese and cream should be slightly adjusted - remove milk and replace butter with vegetable, or cook soup.

Also included in the menu of mushroom cream soup is to take into account that the calorie content of this dish is relatively low - about 300 kcal (for comparison: the average daily rate of kilocalories per day for women is 2000, for men 2500-3000).

Bon Appetit!