Development of the child by months to a year - from the first smile to the first step

Each mother should track the development of the child by months to a year, comparing individual indicators with pediatricians, neurologists and psychologists established norms. So it is possible to detect deviations, inconsistencies on time. Timely detection allows them to be quickly adjusted and to avoid progression.

Milestones development by month

Stages of development of the baby are characterized by a gradual growth of the child's body along with the acquisition of new skills and abilities. To assess the correct development of your baby, the mother must compare the achievements of the crumbs with those that should be observed in him at a particular age. Telling about the development of the child for months to 1 year, doctors pay attention to the following areas of its improvement:

  1. Physical development is an assessment of the body weight and growth of the child, his skills.
  2. Cognitive development - manifested in the ability to quickly memorize and educate the child.
  3. Social - is expressed in the ability of the baby to interact with others, to respond to events around them, to distinguish relatives from strangers.
  4. The development of speech - the formation of the ability of the baby to express their desires, to conduct simple dialogues with parents.

Physical development of the child

A newborn baby has a body length of about 50 cm, weight 3-3.5 kg. At birth, the child hears and sees everything, therefore he is ready to improve and develop from the very beginning. Congenital reflexes are manifested: sucking, swallowing, grasping, blinking. Over time, they only improve. Let's pay attention to how the physical development of the child of the first year of life takes place, the main stages:

  1. 1 month - height 53-54 cm, weight reaches 4 kg. The kid tries to keep his head upright.
  2. 3 months - 60-62 cm, and weight 5,5 kg. Kroha freely holds his head vertically for at least 5 minutes in a row. In the position on the abdomen, it rises and rests on the forearms.
  3. 6 months - 66-70 cm height, 7.4 kg weight. He sits down on his own, sits smoothly, turns from belly to back, with support for his hands rises.
  4. 9 months - 73 cm, 9 kg. It stands almost without support, rises from any position, actively and quickly creeps.
  5. 12 months - 76 cm, up to 11 kg. Development of the child per year assumes independent movement, the kid can lift a subject from a floor, carries out simple requests. A detailed table for the development of the child up to a year is given below.

Mental development of the child

Mental development of a child of infant age assumes a continuous relationship of the baby with his mother. The child learns with her help the world around him for up to 3 years, after which the development of independence begins gradually. Given this, infants are highly dependent on their parents, as only they are able to meet all their needs. The period of infancy is divided into 2 stages:

The first period is characterized by intensive development of sensory systems. Actively improved vision, hearing. The second period begins with the appearance of the ability to grab and hold objects: there is an establishment of visual-motor coordination, which improves the coordination of movements. The child studies subjects, learns manipulation with them. At this time, the first prerequisites for the development of speech are emerging.

Nutrition of children up to a year by months

Nutrition of children under one year, according to the recommendations of pediatricians, should be based on breastfeeding. Mom's milk contains all the necessary nutrients, trace elements, ready-made antibodies, which protect the child from viruses and infections. It completely meets the needs of the baby, changing in the composition as he grows up. In general, nutrition of infants is based on the following principles:

How to develop a child up to a year by months?

Considering the development of the child for months to a year, pediatricians and educators agree that the main role in this process is played by the baby, not his parents. A child up to a year develops with the help of incorporated natural mechanisms, directing the activity of crumbs to the knowledge of the surrounding world. A child up to a year, development by months is considered below, needs active help of parents. It consists in:

A child up to a year - communication and development

The kid needs constant communication with his parents. Development of the child for months to 1 year occurs in several stages, which have the following features:

  1. 1-3 months - the duration of the waking period gradually increases, while visual and auditory analyzers develop. The baby begins to utter his first sounds: "gee", "khy". Stimulate speech is necessary for singing with the baby.
  2. 3-6 months - speech reactions become a means of emotional communication. It must be reciprocal, two-sided: say the baby sounds he has learned, while he must see his mother's face.
  3. 6-9 months - the baby realizes the speech of the adult, performs the actions at his request. Constantly babbling.
  4. 9-12 months - development of the child in 1 year assumes mastering by skill of speech imitation. The Kid says simple words in response to the speech of adults. From this moment you can teach the baby to imitate.

Games with a child up to a year by months

The basic skills of communication are often mastered by a child up to a year - developmental activities help to speed up this process. The kid should independently investigate each object you like, do not force events. After mastering a few simple manipulations, the child will repeat them again and again. With age, they improve, and the child complicates the tasks.

Toys for children up to a year by months

Developing toys for children under one year should always have such qualities as safety and simplicity. Do not give small children small items and toys are not by age. The list of suitable items for the game looks like this: