Delicious buns in a yeast dough oven

There is nothing more beautiful than delicious, fragrant and airy home baking. The pleasure of her tasting is worth it to spend quite a bit of her time on cooking.

We offer simple and affordable recipes for delicious homemade buns from yeast dough in the oven, which, no doubt, will please you and your household.

Recipe for the most delicious buns from yeast dough



The first thing we do is to activate the yeast. To do this, a half glass of whole milk is heated to a temperature of 40 degrees, we dissolve fresh yeast in it, we also dissolve thirty grams of granulated sugar and the same amount of flour and place the mass in a warm, cozy place for fifteen minutes. After this, when the lobster foams, pour the rest of the warm milk, throw a little salt and melted warm butter. A third of a glass of sugar is mixed with eggs and turned into a lush foam with the help of a mixer, adding also in the process vanilla sugar. Combine the spoon with butter and sweet egg mixture, mix and, gradually sifting the resulting mass of flour, we begin kneading the dough. Continue to pour the flour until we get a soft and slightly sticky texture. Now put it in a bowl, cover it with a clean cloth and let it stand warm and cozy for about thirty minutes.

After the lapse of time, the dough is divided into two halves and each of them is rolled up to a layer about one and a half centimeters thick. Then fill the buns to your taste. You can just sprinkle the surface of the beds with sugar, add cinnamon, poppy or even decomposed pre-washed, steamed in warm water, and then dried raisins or other sliced ​​dried fruits.

Fold the dough with a filler roll and cut into pieces with a thickness of up to five centimeters. We make a protection on one side and place them on the bottom of the product on a pre-oiled baking sheet at a certain distance from each other. We sustain a baking tray with blanks of forty minutes in heat for proofing and increasing them in size. After that, we smear the surface of the products with a mixture of egg yolk, a tablespoon of water and a pinch of vanillin.

Now it remains to bake delicious buns from a yeast dough in a preheated oven to 185 degrees to a rosy color and you can enjoy the taste of fragrant homemade cakes.

Delicious yeast rolls on water - lean recipe



Despite the lean basis of the test, buns for this recipe are very delicious and fragrant. For their preparation, we first put the dough. Let's dissolve the yeast in warm water, dissolve the sugar and about three tablespoons of flour and leave in the heat for fifteen minutes to activate the fermentation.

After a while, add a pinch of salt, vanillin, pour in a refined oil and sift the flour. Her the amount is determined by experiment, gradually pouring, achieving a soft and slightly sticky texture of the dough. We take into account that flour is best placed less, the more, otherwise you can spoil the taste of finished products. A disadvantage of a small amount of it will be the stickiness of the dough, which can be corrected by lubricating hands with vegetable oil when kneading and spraying the surface while forming the products.

Next, we form buns as in the previous recipe, flavored with sugar or other fillers. Before baking, we must give the products to stand in the warmth for the approach, and then, if desired, sprinkle the surface with water, shake the sugar and bake until ready and rosy.