Apricot Confiture - Prescription

Apricot confiture is a delicious, delicate, tasty and fragrant treat that the whole family will enjoy. It can be prepared for the winter or immediately put in a bowl and served to a table with a soft bun . And we will tell you how to cook apricot jam.

The recipe for apricot confiture



We take ripe apricots, rinse and break into halves. Carefully remove the bones and cut the fruit into lobules. After that, we put it into a saucepan, cover it with sugar, mix it and leave it for 4 hours or all night, so that the apricots give juice. Next, put the dishes with fruit on a weak fire, bring to a boil and cook for 5 minutes. Now leave the apricot confiture cool, and then pour the pectin, stir and boil for 10 minutes. Then grind the fruit mass blender to a homogeneous consistency and pour into a beautiful piano.

Apricot confiture for the winter - recipe



Apricots are washed and dried, then cut into halves and take out bones. We put the fruit in a saucepan, fill it with filtered water and set it on a slow fire to heat up. When the liquid boils, and the apricots soften, pour sugar and mix. Lemon rinse, wipe dry, clean and squeeze out the citrus juice into a separate bowl, and then pour it into a pan. We cook for 2 hours, periodically taking off the raised foam. We wash the jar well with soda and scald with boiling water. After a while, beat the fruit mass with a blender, pour hot jam into a prepared jar and close with a dense lid.

Apricot Confiture in the Multivariate



Apricots are washed, sorted and removed pits. After that, we cover the apricots with sugar and leave for 8 hours. Then we rub them with a submerged blender or twist it through a meat grinder. We pour the apricot puree into the capacity of the multivark, turn on the "Baking" mode and wait for 30 minutes without closing the lid of the appliance. As soon as the mash begins to gurgle, choose the program "Stew" and cook with the lid closed for 40 minutes. Every 10 minutes, stir the apricots and after the sound signal we cool the confiture and lay it on sterilized jars, close tightly with lids and sterilize in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of 120 degrees.

Recipe for apricot confiture with orange



Ripe apricots carefully sorted, discarded spoiled fruits, washed fruits and breaks into halves. Then take out carefully the bones and weigh. Oranges are rinsed and, without purifying from the peel, cut into large cubes. Next, put the prepared fruit in a deep bowl and crush everything with a submerged blender until homogeneous consistency or twist through a meat grinder. We pour the mass into an enamel pan, pour sugar to taste, mix thoroughly and bring to a boil over high heat. Then reduce the heating, remove all the foam from the foam and cook the confiture for half an hour, stirring with a wooden spoon. Without losing time, we prepare banks: sterilize them and dry them on a towel. Next, lay out the fruit jam in a container, close the lids, turn the bottom up and wrap the preservation with something warm. After cooling we rearrange the jars with confiture in the cellar and store it all winter.